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2023/24 Wednesday transfer thread...

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15 hours ago, TheExile said:

That striker Morelos is a bit of a problem player isn’t he? Loved a red card 

On form, and in the right mood, he can be unplayable. You don't become Rangers top scorer in European football by being garbage.

However, yes, he does tend to have a somewhat easily awoken bottle lip syndrome. Looks a right stroppy, torn faced **** at times and, when he loses his head, it can be quite hilarious to watch. As long as he's not playing for your team of course.

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7 hours ago, bricat said:

I read that North Chesterfield have a transfer budget of just £20M for the start of their Premiership season. Anyone else read this?

Don't know how much they've got but several analytical agencies I know have stopped dealing with them due to the lack of money available. One was given the remit of players out of, or in the last year of, contract. Even the usual hawkers are staying clear as there's no value for them.

They're also quietly hawking round Berge but want £50m. Liverpool made a cheeky bid in January in exchange for wiping out the Brewster debt but it wasn't taken. That's when all the default stuff came out. 

Promotion has also triggered full payment of Ahmedhodzic's transfer fee and they're scrambling to find that. 

Brighton are prepared to offer £10m for Ndiaye and they may have to take it and trust Brewster gets and stays fit.

Edited by Tylluan
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59 minutes ago, TheExile said:

I thought Ndiaye was out of contract?

He was still on a youth contract when he joined the first team but they tied him to an 18 month first team contract that runs out June 2024 but with an option to extend 

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11 hours ago, Tylluan said:

Dean's calf is fucked. He's had 3 spells out with the same calf injury this season and the specialist's report wasn't positive enough for Birmingham to offer him a new contract even on reduced wages. 

Well, no then. We shouldn't have him back. But it's Wednesday, so we'll give him a 4 year deal. 

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7 hours ago, HoylandOwl said:

Well, no then. We shouldn't have him back. But it's Wednesday, so we'll give him a 4 year deal. 

No, we'll not. We'll not touch him 'cos of that and he'll then  rarely miss a game during his new 4 year contract with somebody else!  

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No need to do any scouting last night Mr Andy. Already seen more than enough of him over the years to know he'd be an excellent signing.

Yes, he has something of a short fuse and, yes, he can be a right huffy **** at times but, keep him happy and he'll put in a right shift. Rangers only paid £1m for him and he went on to become their all time top scorer in European football. Nuff said.

As for Ryan Kent - I wouldn't touch that prick with a bargepole. Totally downed tools the last 2 years. Absolute waste of talent.

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Is Morelos the type of character who might destabilise the dressing room?

I don’t deny his ability but he’s always come across as a bit selfish and a non-team player in his play when I’ve seen him, as well as childish at times, what with his tantrum throwing and acting like a spoilt brat. Plus he’d be the ‘big time’ Charlie if he came here, which might put a few players noses out of joint, or at least one I can think of.

Didn’t realise he was only 26 years of age. Seems to have been around forever. I’d be amazed, even if we went up, if we could tempt him to join the club.


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I posted it was a left field rumour but someone mentioned it inside an analytical database I sometimes work with/for. Said they'd done the groundwork on a pre-nup between us and his agent as Rangers couldn't get another deal over the line. But it depended on us getting promoted. 

But same database is now showing other clubs have taken an interest including the MLS

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I’d like Vardy to come here if we are in the Championship for his experience and p as a league he is better suited, but if we are in L1 I just feel we need to build a young team that can grow in the Championship. I also think Leicester are going to be relegated, which is a shame for us if JV won’t come.

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22 hours ago, Bellsview said:

Is Morelos the type of character who might destabilise the dressing room?

I don’t deny his ability but he’s always come across as a bit selfish and a non-team player in his play when I’ve seen him, as well as childish at times, what with his tantrum throwing and acting like a spoilt brat. Plus he’d be the ‘big time’ Charlie if he came here, which might put a few players noses out of joint, or at least one I can think of.

Didn’t realise he was only 26 years of age. Seems to have been around forever. I’d be amazed, even if we went up, if we could tempt him to join the club.


My Rangers supporting workmate says he's a bit of a prankster and is very well liked within the dressing room.

Re the transfer itself, I do have to agree with those who say it's hugely unlikely to happen. Shame, as I see Morelos as an upgrade on the likes of Teemu Pukki at Norwich. And we all know how many goals he scored in the Championship.

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Nice to hear we have binned the L1 recruitment list and are on the upgraded version. This summer will be decent after all. Surreal really as whilst I think we had progressed and had a solid spine to build on in L1 that was our stark reality only 14 days ago?

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