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Laceups last won the day on April 30 2023

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Derek Dooley

Derek Dooley (9/14)

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  1. And miss the best season we’ve had for years!! Keep your chin up mate. Don’t let the bastards grind you down. WAWAW - Reesh is only having a bit of banter with you and we’re all one big family on here beneath all the jibes. Hooe you’re ok mate. 🦉🦉
  2. Another good solid signing that improves us and if, as I expect, Danny can get the best out of him then it’s a cracking freebie. Great stuff again Wednesday.
  3. Loving this pre season. Great stuff Wednesday
  4. I bet the car horns were loud down Minden and a Cheapside last night.
  5. Best preseason I have enjoyed for so long. Great work DC and DR. DC has clearly bought in to the gaffer as much as we have. Let the good times Rohl.
  6. Speaks well. Seems a level headed lad. Welcome aboard Max.
  7. I think Ingelsson could be a cracking signing. Danny really isn’t messing about.
  8. Lowe and the Swede having medicals tomorrow I’m told. Same source also says both derbies will be Sunday’s at 12.30. no idea if true as he’s dibble.
  9. Nah it’s at the Yacht.
  10. Can’t argue with that. I’m looking forward to asking Gazza for his thoughts on Saturday night. You going to that Ben?
  11. He comes across as a genuinely cracking fella. Well done and congrats CP.
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