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Those big spending Tractor boys


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F**k me, I must have been really bad in my previous life.  Not much difference between the sides in the first half: they just looked a bit more polished. After they scored right on half time, though, we were extremely poor. Absolutely not at the races 2nd half and for much of it absolutely clueless. Ipswich won't have an easier half. No organisation, little apparent tactics, little spirit, often inferior passing, (put it in front of him!), inferior crossing - either behind ours or right over them. Multiple attempted foul throws, (paticularly Delgado, which he eventually achieved!) And finally, if anybody thought all our players were giving their all in the later stages, well I bloody didn't. As my mate Dave put it, (censored!), That second half was an absolute disgrace!  And just our luck: we're at home again on Tuesday!  

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My flabber is gasted. 
First half there were a few fleeting positives, I thought we closed them down quite well. But the attacking side of things was shocking again. Our attempts in the final third, or to get into the final third were awful. We gave the ball away sooooo much it was just horrendous.  BUT. They didn’t have to do much really to get beyond us, and their goal proved that. A simple ball down the side, pull back and that’s it. Not sure if the lad who crossed was offside, but, even so.

Then moments later there was a situation that incensed me. They did almost the same thing, and Palmer stood there with his arm up claiming offside yet the player who was supposedly offside ran past him while he had his arm in the air. 

We huffed and puffed a bit in the second half, but for the corners, for all the chances to cross, how many shots on target? Zero. I don’t even recall their keeper having a cross to catch. 

It was awful overall today. Little invention, a distinct lack of fluidity. I can’t say the players didn’t try. There was evidence IMO of effort, but it was so disjointed. We’re not a team of players we’re a group of individuals struggling to figure out what’s what. The ‘performance’ was typified by Delgado who on three occasions, but only penalised twice, for foul throws. 

Devis Vasquez though definitely earned his wages. A few fantastic saves. The one from Clark’s header was a worldy in particular. Or looked it from where I sat anyway. 

Xisco’s Owls still offer more questions than answers, and certainly not points. And it feels like the axe is looming. 

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21 minutes ago, Owling_Wolf said:

F**k me, I must have been really bad in my previous life.

For my sins I’m also a Wakefield Trinity supporter. After 24 years we were relegated from rugby league’s Super League last night. Trinity are about as successful on the trophy front as SWFC are.

So God knows what I must have done in my previous life. 😂


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29 minutes ago, Owling_Wolf said:

F**k me, I must have been really bad in my previous life.  Not much difference between the sides in the first half: they just looked a bit more polished. After they scored right on half time, though, we were extremely poor. Absolutely not at the races 2nd half and for much of it absolutely clueless. Ipswich won't have an easier half. No organisation, little apparent tactics, little spirit, often inferior passing, (put it in front of him!), inferior crossing - either behind ours or right over them. Multiple attempted foul throws, (paticularly Delgado, which he eventually achieved!) And finally, if anybody thought all our players were giving their all in the later stages, well I bloody didn't. As my mate Dave put it, (censored!), That second half was an absolute disgrace!  And just our luck: we're at home again on Tuesday!  

I thought it was the other way round.

Truly awful first half, much improved after the break (although still very poor).

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1 minute ago, Tylluan said:

Munoz looks shot in that post match. Memory might be playing tricks but that interview was reminiscent of the last days of Monk and Jos. 

Might be his English but the fact he didn't seem to know what the problem with Bannan was

I still love the fact we appear to get injuries during international breaks 

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1 hour ago, Otto_Man said:

Vasquez was a shining light today.

Can't fathom why XM couldn't fathom that all their joy came down their left. Palmer and Paterson were woeful can't believe both completed 90 mins.

Liked the look of Buckley, jury's still out on Hendrick

Massive fan of Paterson but him and his clown of a right sided centre back Palmer were awful today.

Surely time to give Valentin a go in the Boro game?

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Agree with you about Famewo, he’s been resilient and at times had to defend while others have been absent or simply just Sh1t.

Delgado is a flatters to deceive kind of player for me. The throws are inexcusable for a professional footballer, once could be unfortunate but he was simply incompetent. And a numerous occasions either gave the ball away or gave his team mate a hospital pass. Either give him a run at right back (which I have my doubts about) or take him out of the team.

The games are ticking down on XM, I want him to succeed like all our managers but I think we also have to recognise the size of the challenge he’s taken on  - at the owners request 

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4 hours ago, HoylandOwl said:

My flabber is gasted. 
First half there were a few fleeting positives, I thought we closed them down quite well. But the attacking side of things was shocking again. Our attempts in the final third, or to get into the final third were awful. We gave the ball away sooooo much it was just horrendous.  BUT. They didn’t have to do much really to get beyond us, and their goal proved that. A simple ball down the side, pull back and that’s it. Not sure if the lad who crossed was offside, but, even so.

Then moments later there was a situation that incensed me. They did almost the same thing, and Palmer stood there with his arm up claiming offside yet the player who was supposedly offside ran past him while he had his arm in the air. 

We huffed and puffed a bit in the second half, but for the corners, for all the chances to cross, how many shots on target? Zero. I don’t even recall their keeper having a cross to catch. 

It was awful overall today. Little invention, a distinct lack of fluidity. I can’t say the players didn’t try. There was evidence IMO of effort, but it was so disjointed. We’re not a team of players we’re a group of individuals struggling to figure out what’s what. The ‘performance’ was typified by Delgado who on three occasions, but only penalised twice, for foul throws. 

Devis Vasquez though definitely earned his wages. A few fantastic saves. The one from Clark’s header was a worldy in particular. Or looked it from where I sat anyway. 

Xisco’s Owls still offer more questions than answers, and certainly not points. And it feels like the axe is looming. 

As much as this makes grim reading I can't disagree with any of it, we're a total mess.

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3 hours ago, Tank_Owl2,0 said:

Agree with you about Famewo, he’s been resilient and at times had to defend while others have been absent or simply just Sh1t.

Delgado is a flatters to deceive kind of player for me. The throws are inexcusable for a professional footballer, once could be unfortunate but he was simply incompetent. And a numerous occasions either gave the ball away or gave his team mate a hospital pass. Either give him a run at right back (which I have my doubts about) or take him out of the team.

The games are ticking down on XM, I want him to succeed like all our managers but I think we also have to recognise the size of the challenge he’s taken on  - at the owners request 

4 or 5 times Delgado, bringing the ball out from a throw from the keeper, ran up to an opponent, swivelled and simply passed the ball to another one.  Same dismal error repeated multi-times.  

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That was just rubbish. The attacking play was awful

If we lose to Middlesbrough, he has to go. Otherwise, its relegation with a record points total. At least the 7 games under Laws that we lost, we looked like we could have got something from those games and were a tad unlucky (bar Ipswich first game and possibly the Burnley game). This sides attacking threat is non existant

Pity there's more chance of a club statement about Marvins' mrs than getting rid. We'll have more club statements than points at this rate


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That must be Palmer's worst ever performance and in 350 games that's going some. 110% abysmal. How bad must the options on the bench be for him to complete the whole game? Surely he can never play another game ever for anyone never mind us.

At least he took the only 109% abysmal Smith off at half time. Playing him (presumably in case we get a penalty) is sheer lunacy.

Having the vast majority of the team made up of the players who scraped to promotion from the First Divison was/is never going to work in the Championship. The average players from last season are now woeful players in the Championship and the good players from last season are now poor players.

Surely he will be gone on Tuesday night if we don't get anything from the game in front of Sky's lowest ever viewing figures - maybe not at kick off but definitely by the final whistle





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Whilst I concur that last seasons players are below average for this league, does anyone think other than the keeper Vasquez, any of the new signings are better quality. It's marginal at best 

And irrespective of this, the poor start will ebb any confidence levels we actually had.

The problem is we stuttered over the promotion line. And I get all the stats etc in a normal season etc, but I am quantifying this in a real subjective way of not looking like a promotion side, certainly not one that had the momentum to consolidate or move forward.

The contrast with Ipswich is immense on the playing side. Of course you think the close season could have narrowed that gap, instead we part ways with a manager, have a scattergun transfer policy. We can all have our views on the Moore saga, but it is never in any textbook to follow our approach. The current outcome on the pitch is however the textbook result

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Just watched/listened to the post match clips that Radio Sheffield have thrown together on twitter. 

That doesn't help him in the slightest, while I do think Rob Staton's angle recently has been, shall we say, incendiary, I can't disagree with him asking some of the questions he did yesterday about things on the pitch. Rather than constantly focussing on MJ. 

Xisco's answers towards the end of it, well. What can you say? He seems irked, doesn't really make a point and seems a little petulant. Yes, his side have not lost, but when he's asked about our lack of chances and he sarcastically says that's the plan, or words to that effect. It's either he's being deliberately obstructive or, is he saying the players aren't listening to him?

The question about the plan/style is legitimate now IMO. What is it? We've asked it on here numerous times, and no one seems to know. While I accept the manager isn't going to be specific, but if there's nothing that's obvious, at least give people something to understand or try to. I want him to be a success, I said that from the start and wasn't prepared to write him off just because of his previous record (besides Watford) being very indifferent, like some had. But, right now, his team are showing very little to indicate that he can make a success of it. 

As I said earlier in the thread, looking for some positives I thought the press early on yesterday off the ball seemed better but we were bad with it. Then we at least had a five minute spell or so in the second where we at least penned them in a bit, but didn't force a shot on target. Some have suggested that Tuesday night might be his last game. I think he'll get a couple more after Tuesday. I think the last game of the month could be his last, twice on Sky, if we fail miserably in both. Then I think that'll be it. The tide has started to turn with the Chairman as we heard yesterday, and the boos at full time were very evident. It's just going to get louder on both counts if the on pitch stuff doesn't improve. 

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He’s a disaster, and I have maintained that since pre-season. The players look lost when they have the ball, there is no structure or plan on how to get at the opposition. After the international break, I was expecting to see a plan on how to win games and that wasn’t remotely visible.

I’d even go as far as saying that it looks like nothing is being worked on. Even from set pieces, there is zero plan, we have anyone and everyone taking corners and just chipping it into the 6 yard box. The set pieces yesterday were embarrassing.

He’s signed a couple of young wingers who can’t get a go and he’s resorting to playing a 35 year old striker on the right wing.

His back three for the Leeds game was pretty much completely changed yesterday despite them keeping a clean sheet.

Its a shambles.

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Didn’t go yesterday but looking at the stats at full time fucking Jesus, not 1 Shot on target all game at home.

I know I’ve banged the drum about giving him 10 games and a bit of time but after 2 weeks what the fuck have they been doing at training? Playing cards or summat.

the problem we will have if this keeps going no **** decent will want to come in cause there’s clearly a massive team spirit problem going off.

worrying times.

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I was concerned about the Munoz appointment as soon as I heard he’d got the job. I don’t rate him at all and even what he did at Watford wasn’t down to his signings and players - but you don’t just whinge and moan about it, you back him and give him time.

But he’s looking massively out of his depth to me and appears to be worse than I’d feared. He’s totally underestimated the quality of the Championship because the players he’s signed are not of the quality they need to be (Vasquez excepted). If they were of the quality we need and the last 5 games were simply them getting up to speed and used to playing alongside each other, then we’d be seeing improvements by now. We aren’t.

As for our style of play? What style of play, formation, tactics etc? I don’t think he even knows his best XI yet, apart from that it clearly doesn’t include MJ.

Problem is he’s spent what dosh we had and we’re stuck with the players we have. Even a new manager coming in is going to struggle now. Munoz has been a panic appointment and for that the blame rests entirely with DC (and whoever is advising him).

I said it when we got promoted and I’ll say it again now - give me fourth bottom and I’ll be happy (even more so now than when we achieved promotion).

We have got to get something out of Tuesday’s game.

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43 minutes ago, Bellsview said:

I was concerned about the Munoz appointment as soon as I heard he’d got the job. I don’t rate him at all and even what he did at Watford wasn’t down to his signings and players - but you don’t just whinge and moan about it, you back him and give him time.

But he’s looking massively out of his depth to me and appears to be worse than I’d feared. He’s totally underestimated the quality of the Championship because the players he’s signed are not of the quality they need to be (Vasquez excepted). If they were of the quality we need and the last 5 games were simply them getting up to speed and used to playing alongside each other, then we’d be seeing improvements by now. We aren’t.

As for our style of play? What style of play, formation, tactics etc? I don’t think he even knows his best XI yet, apart from that it clearly doesn’t include MJ.

Problem is he’s spent what dosh we had and we’re stuck with the players we have. Even a new manager coming in is going to struggle now. Munoz has been a panic appointment and for that the blame rests entirely with DC (and whoever is advising him).

I said it when we got promoted and I’ll say it again now - give me fourth bottom and I’ll be happy (even more so now than when we achieved promotion).

We have got to get something out of Tuesday’s game.

I think he is working on falling out with another 12 players and then he will only have 11 to pick from 

I was pondering that Carlos was an average manager but got dealt a good hand, in terms of the players acquired and relative (lack of ) strength of the Championship

Xisco has been dealt a poor hand players wise, minimal prep time and a stronger division 

But the abject failure comes from the very top by the total inability of Chansiri to plan


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18 hours ago, Bellsview said:

For my sins I’m also a Wakefield Trinity supporter. After 24 years we were relegated from rugby league’s Super League last night. Trinity are about as successful on the trophy front as SWFC are.

So God knows what I must have done in my previous life. 😂


Likewise. There’s not much to enjoy at the moment. 

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Yesterday was very poor and somewhat concerning. 

Bannan was a miss but I did not expect that line up at all. I mistakenly thought the last two performances were away performances and we’d set up more attacking. Lose Paterson, Smith and  Palmer and see Valentin,  Musaba and Buckley. Put Gregory up top. And with that, hope to see this aggressive high pressing football we’ve been promised. 

We saw nothing of it, aside from a 3 minute spell in the first 15 minutes and a few better moments in the second. 

For the rest, we had no shape, no system, no passion. It was a truly awful performance. 

Vasquez stood out above anyone, Delgado did ok and Buckley looked like the kind of player we need. We looked so devoid of creativity before he came on. 

In summary; we stank. 

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