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80s Owl

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80s Owl last won the day on October 9 2023

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Des Walker

Des Walker (8/14)

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  1. Very talented musician, the list of artists who played in his Bluesbreakers is the stuff of legend.
  2. Has he got an airline with no planes though like Dozy? 🤣
  3. Great news this I thought he'd definitely be one we'd lose this summer, the Rohl revolution continues.
  4. He writes for/about Seattle Seahawks on a regular basis.
  5. Good news, I don't think I could have sat through any more lumbering performances.
  6. I thought Walker had a poor game, he'd left far too much space down his side for the first goal.
  7. There's been a few decent games with Spain/France a highlight but the latter stage games have been a bit flat, some players become household names after a tournament but no one has really stood out, the young lad from Spain grabbed the headlines for a while but not much more.
  8. We all get carried away with the euphoria of getting to the latter stages but if you analyse each game we were quite poor barring the first half against the Dutch, Spain had a much more difficult path to the final but got their with relative ease. As a whole it hasn't been a fantastic tournament. The best news before the proper football starts would be the announcement of an end to Southgates tenure.
  9. We had a round table guess at the final result before the game, most went with the draw, I went 2-1 to Spain, I felt they'd have too much for us and it proved correct, we did trouble them on occasion but failed to seize the initiative at 1-1, Southgate does need to step down now.
  10. I used to quite like this song but the addition of that "so good, so good, so good" bit has made me despise it.
  11. I said to my lad yesterday we're probably better going 1-0 down early on so we actually come out and play as in the Dutch game.
  12. Watch the last final for a perfect example. It's going to be a tough game for sure, apparently though we are a tough team to play against (and watch at times) and can put the opposition out of their stride, I just hope we don't resort to trying to sit back too much as Spain will definitely score if we do, I'd worry in any game where we went two down whether we could claw anything back.
  13. I can fully agree with this and your circumstances are similar to mine, I attended probably 10 home games last season, I'm glad you mentioned the parking issue as it seems to get worse season on season, I'm having to set off earlier and earlier just to get a reasonable spot and it can be off putting.
  14. DC sees ST’s as the way forward, they don’t work for everyone (me included) I’m lucky enough to be able to afford POTG prices but I will perhaps think twice on some games particularly when Sky dicks around with the kick off times/days, what I do fear is that POTG fans now are potentially future ST holders, are we alienating future fans?
  15. What surprised me going into this tournament was how few of the other national teams players I could name, many used to be houshold names or become so on the back of tournaments, has anyone really stood out in Euro 24?
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