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Supercockle last won the day on May 27

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John Sheridan

John Sheridan (11/14)

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  1. They’ve just given a warm welcome to everyone from Sheffield United, which was met with a round of boos, until he apologised and corrected himself.
  2. I think he’ll bring another CB in before the start. Of the ones we have, only Dish is comfortable with the ball at his feet. I suspect Rohl will have some loans lined up. Young players who have the quality but are still rough diamonds as they perhaps lack the experience and consistency.
  3. Rohl said we need to strengthen up front, CM and CB.
  4. I think last time it was the U21s wasn’t it?
  5. At least we’re making a fist of it. I don’t mind if we go out playing as we are tonight. He’ll doubtless tinker with it and play for a draw after the 50th minute.
  6. I might get them involved with a gripe I have locally. We asked a guy for a price to come to the office to wash and valet cars. He wanted £100 per car. £35-40 to watch Championship football as an adult seems a bargain in comparison. I’ll get them some balloons and a banner.
  7. Does anyone know how Nev is by the way?
  8. Someone was also saying he’d failed a medical. I think we’d know if he had (unless it was something they thought might clear up and they’re going to have another in a few weeks) but as you both say, his injury record isn’t good. Whilst I loved him when he was on loan, it was mainly because he shithoused every team we beat on Instagram afterwards (calling Toytown, Rugby Union Football Club was my favourite) and because he bought into us. He didn’t necessarily do a great deal, mainly due to his injuries but I really liked the bloke. That is no reason to sign him.
  9. Rohl’s post match interview with Staton suggested to me that Ubgo, Dish and Poveda might be coming back. Might be wishful drinking on my part.
  10. You’d think so. I saw that the new Polish lad started following him on Instagram along with other Wednesday players, suggesting Beadle was already training with us.
  11. Welcome to the forum mate. Good to have you here.
  12. Fat Dog were very impressive yesterday. up and away this morning. At Trowell Services now.
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