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BraddersTim last won the day on June 3

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Derek Dooley

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  1. Off to watch telly now, I'm bored of you.
  2. There you go again... People are never illegal. You got exposed. Admit it. It's fine. You didn't have a question - you had a prejudice, not based in real life experience. It was shown up, you did what you do, deflect by attacking another way. But facts: Rwanda: gone Detention Ship: going. Suellas daft migration bill: will go. At some point quite soon there will be a sensible approach between the UK and French and the boat situation will reduce drastically. Almost as if the whole situation was created to invoke a culture war.
  3. Ok I can answer this. Personally...those who came as "illegal migrants" probably 6-7 *There is no such thing as "illegal" Professionally - easily over 100 directly and many many more indirectly. We can continue this, but for your sake you probably should step away now. *You won't - it's all about ego with you.
  4. So you will admit to speaking from a position of ignorance?
  5. No you did not - unless your answer is "none"
  6. @Andybenanswer my question - how many do you know?
  7. I can't answer a stupid question - Yes you're right Answer me this - How many people who came to the UK as asylum seekers from the places you describe, do you actually know? *Know = personal or business relationship.
  8. Ask a sensible one and I might.
  9. 😂😂😂 Have you been hacked by Nigel Farage?
  10. Kaba is the one I was thinking of. Is he still a shout?
  11. @Tylluanwho was the striker you said was just as good an option as Ugbo? Any idea if we're still interested?
  12. It's very much a case of the "being seen to do something" syndrome going on. If the authorities don't do anything to the club after a racist incident, then they "don't care" etc etc, so they do what they know how to do, dish out a punitive action to a club that has already investigated, found the culprit and taken action against them. It serves no purpose other than to protect themselves from criticism. What Wednesday have done is likely to be far more effective in preventing further outbursts & they should have been praised for doing it. But imagine if they'd come out and said " no football club can be held responsible for the garbage that comes out of the mouth of one dickhead supporter but in dealing with said dickhead swiftly and effectively SWFC have laid down a marker and we fully support and commend their actions". It's the statement they should have put out, but they'd have been set upon by all and sundry if they had.
  13. I preferred the Blackpool fans, at least they were a laugh.
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