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mkowl last won the day on July 17

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David Hirst

David Hirst (13/14)

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  1. Absolutely this, why give a shit about any player if they don't join us, why give a shit about players who used to play for us and move on.
  2. I think the likelihood of a full on sectarian civil war in the UK moves ever closer. Certain areas of the country - no real need to guess which - appear to want self rule and use intimidation and violence to achieve that. The selective reporting of certain stories in the mainstream media, the hypocrisy of how an attack on a soldier is explained away but police excess violence is an outrage.
  3. He was ok in the very brief period he was on the pitch And that is the crux - we have had too many players in the past who spent more time in the treatment room than the pitch
  4. My modern day irritation - the fact we have player shirts numbered up to #99 but now we talk about the 6, 8 or whatever. How about we just call em midfielders, their job is to run around, block, make tackles and when they get the ball pass the fucking thing to another of our players
  5. Crikey even I am having a break from negativity Won't last 🤫
  6. Well the fact that 50 points was required to be safe last season and I would hazard a guess similar again this, means the AI level employed here is at the level of a ZX Spectrum from about 1985
  7. Agreed, indeed pre season wins may carry you forward a bit into a new season before reality hits home and vice versa. Last season was frankly a mess that did continue. The 4 or so league and cup games in, it got worse not better. Then confidence all round drops. The reality is you need to be playing OK but more salient get an early win once the season commences
  8. Could have been a few more than 4 ! Not that pre season means anything, well apart from last season where that was a true indicator of the mess to come.
  9. I wonder if them lot have an 1889 Group,
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