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Chelters last won the day on April 3

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Ron Springett

Ron Springett (10/14)

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  1. Been the problem for years. We try and find a system to suit the players, rather than getting the players to suit the system.
  2. From a footballing perspective that’s the right result. Spain were comfortably the best team in the tournament.
  3. But but but….ticket prices. The pies on the Kop are sometimes a bit tepid. The pissy fake Spanish lager in the Tap is too expensive. I don’t like the elephants. Chansiri out.
  4. I play as a defender in veterans football and, whilst I can see why the penalty was given, I would have been absolutely livid if it was against me. But England are getting marginally better, I’ve been saying right from the start we’ll win it, even with 2 minutes to go against Slovakia, and I stick by it.
  5. They have indeed piped up again on X. Complete silence when some positive things are happening and suddenly here they are. I think ticket prices are a valid criticism but their unceasing negativity and lack of objectivity as usual completely destroys any shred of credibility they had. But sadly they will influence the more suggestible.
  6. How one feels at the end of an England game compared to before kick off.
  7. I remember watching the full rerun of the 1966 World Cup final during Covid and the football was so different. One team got the ball and just went forward, then the other. The idea being that you get the ball nearer the goal and create a chance. The issue with modern football is the slow build up. Some of the passing may be ‘nicer’ but ultimately what gets fans excited is goalmouth action, shots, chances and goals. Big Sam may have been criticised for the style of football but at the end of the day he worked on the basis that if you got the ball nearer the goal you were more likely to score. That”s what saved England against Slovakia basically. It may sound crude but ‘getting it in the mixer’ invariably creates a more exciting match. And the odd shot from outside the area helps as well.
  8. Looks like he’s going to be a big name signing then.
  9. I don’t mind £69 for an adult shirt, it’s the kids shirt prices that rankle a bit. I’m sure if they did some family deals - say £100 for adult and child for example - it would go down really well. Make it for members and ST holders and you might even make some money out of it.
  10. Definitely a nod to the 87-89 kit. Don’t mind it.
  11. Before anyone asks it’s in Wiltshire and is famous for being the birthplace of both Jeremy Corbyn and a certain OO poster who writes a lot about programmes…..
  12. I went to the game against Gornik. There was a picture of Hirsty in the new strip on the programme cover but I also seem to recall we wore the old kit.
  13. Still got that 95-97 shirt. You could fit a small family hatchback in each of the sleeves.
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