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2022/23 Wednesday transfer thread...

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So our back three currently consists of Iorfa and Palmer. With Brennan in reserve.  So we must be confident of doing some quick business to get reinforcements in.

Looking at it like that, it’s a surprise that we haven’t tried to keep Hutchinson. That said, he has been a liability lately out on the left. Made a few mistakes and failed to link up with Johnson in a meaningful manner. 

We must sort out the left side (a fit version of Gibson) as the top priority so we’re not reliant on Palmer. Then get a replacement for Dunkley / Dean in the middle.

Making offers to NML and Wildsmith seem a bit strange. NML struggles to fit into the 3-5-2 formation and Wildsmith just struggles to get in. Odd.

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Ok with the retained list. Suspect one or two of those we have made offers to won’t re sign either so another big churn ahead. Wildsmith seemed odd but then when linked with the assumption Dawson might still leave it makes sense to have some cover. I think we need a physically imposing keeper, some of our better keepers in the last two decades have been quite strong. 

I think we have a great opportunity to build a team now that can develop over a 2/3 year accounting period for FFP. A well built league one team can do ok in the championship 

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Be nice to keep the guys together and be the nice guys again.....I think we can all agree its nice and right good Ra Ra ra....to finish 4th and shine our phone lights during a 4-2 aggregate PO semi-final pumping.....go Sheffield Disney!!!

Or we could bring in hungry bastards and kick the fuck out of everyone next season....!

Edited by MPB
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15 minutes ago, Reesh said:

I don't want to do ok in the championship I want out of this league and that fucking one too, 22 years and counting outside the top flight is fucking embarrassing 

Absofuckinglutely - I am so fucking pissed off and ashamed of how long we have now been out of the top flight!

It’s both embarrassing and humiliating - and a total piss take!

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2 minutes ago, Bellsview said:

Absofuckinglutely - I am so fucking pissed off and ashamed of how long we have now been out of the top flight!

It’s both embarrassing and humiliating - and a total piss take!

Forest have been out a year longer but look set to end their exile 

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10 hours ago, Reesh said:

I don't want to do ok in the championship I want out of this league and that fucking one too, 22 years and counting outside the top flight is fucking embarrassing 

Me too, but we’re unlikely to wave a magic wand either from this position and sign a team that goes straight up twice in two seasons. the rules have prevented teams like us from doing that now. It seems buying younger players and getting a bit of team chemistry/momentum and trading correctly is the only choice now to avoid boom or bust.

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43 minutes ago, TheExile said:

Me too, but we’re unlikely to wave a magic wand either from this position and sign a team that goes straight up twice in two seasons. the rules have prevented teams like us from doing that now. It seems buying younger players and getting a bit of team chemistry/momentum and trading correctly is the only choice now to avoid boom or bust.



Fuck off this is football not the stock exchange or some wank American sport. 

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The reason we have outside the Premier League for so long and had a few journeys to League 1, is the fucking awful running of the Club for 25 years, probably more in truth.

So whilst it is embarrassing to have been out for so long, its all self inflicted. And sadly the current owner hasn't changed that tide. We are lower in the pyramid.

The grim reality is its now as tough to get out of League 1 as it was to get into the Premier League 20 years ago. 

The reality is it needs a 5 year plan but no one has anything like the patience.

But you have to understand and learn from mistakes in the past. And one would not be giving contracts to injury prone players - hence the correct call on Hutchinson.

But you also have to do root cause on why we have training ground injuries, why there are relapses, why is the average recovery longer. That is probably more vital use of resources

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1 hour ago, Andyben said:

Fucking pussies the lot of you.

If the pigs can go from L1 to the Prem why can't we.

Get a fucking grip.

Agree. There’s never been a better time to do it either, standard of the Championship is getting worse, there’s only one decent side in the play offs this year.

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1 hour ago, LiamOwl said:

Agree. There’s never been a better time to do it either, standard of the Championship is getting worse, there’s only one decent side in the play offs this year.

I think we can build a side in whatever league we are in that could get momentum in the championship. United, Luton, Coventry have all done it and Huddersfield have done it in the league above. But to get out of league one I think we need some short term experience of the less fashionable side of things as part of that mix like when we had Rob Jones, Semedo and Prutton who weren’t as good in the championship but won all the battles in league one.

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The tactical awareness, game management, rotating the team selection unnecessarily  together with pathetic organisation defending set pieces and goalkeeping coaching are going to prevent us having any success. How many points have we thrown away this season? The problems have been clear for everyone to see. We currently have the softest underbelly in the division and that plays into the hands of the opposition in the lower leagues.

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A few years ago a mate of mine won a competition in the shop, the prize was you were invited along to meet some of the first team, have a bite to eat, have a natter & fire questions at the then Captain - which was Glenn Loovens.

We were put on a table with big Adthe Nuihu & Cameron Dawson.

The vibe around the team back than didn't feel right, as good a players we had, there wasn't a togetherness, Dawson made it quite clear that there had been a fall out that morning as to which players where doing this competition & who wanted to fuck off home - Dawson told us that CC had told ALL players to attend & to say thank you for the support etc, engage with fans but some players did otherwise.

At the very beginning of the afternoon when Nuhiu & Dawson sat down, Nuhiu very kindly said, can you please refrain from calling me Dave - I dont like it,fair enough but nope, Billy big Bollocks, Cameron Dawson then proceeded for the duration of that afternoon call him "Dave or Big Dave" those on our table half expected Nuihu to lamp him one tbh.

From memory, out of the 1st team we had 8 turn up that afternoon.

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The issue that we have, and one that has been present for a very long time, is that we have so few players who will be better next season. If we want to go anything above the bottom half of the championship when we do go up, we need a squad that’s developing. If we had gone up, we’d need a total rebuild to do anything other than struggle. Players who, at their peak or after, have been convinced to play in League one, do not get out of the Championship via the good exit. 

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2 hours ago, TheExile said:

I think we can build a side in whatever league we are in that could get momentum in the championship. United, Luton, Coventry have all done it and Huddersfield have done it in the league above. But to get out of league one I think we need some short term experience of the less fashionable side of things as part of that mix like when we had Rob Jones, Semedo and Prutton who weren’t as good in the championship but won all the battles in league one.

So why would you sign Norwood or Oliver, fucking hell there's short term and there's scraping the barrel. 



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8 minutes ago, Reesh said:

So why would you sign Norwood or Oliver, fucking hell there's short term and there's scraping the barrel. 



I wouldn’t sign Norwood, I only mentioned him as he was a question asked in the OP. I wouldn’t touch him.

On building a side I think someone like Oliver would be a back up at best a bit like Nuhiu when we nearly went up last time and purely for getting out of this league. There were some turgid away games we didn’t do the ugly stuff and someone like that who’s been around the block and who has scored double figures in the last two seasons in a poor side would know all about it, whereas some of the so called better players don’t want to or can’t deal with it. Doesn’t specifically have to be Oliver (just a freebie, has scored goals later in his career, would have a point to prove coming back here) but I think we need a physical striker to replace Kamberi and help Gregory and then a quicker more dynamic first choice one to ensure we’re not reliant on Windass as much as we were. I found Berahino was neither here nor there.

I think we’d need to sign other players of course and I suspect we will go for younger players from the premier league or championship or maybe some of the better performers in L1 or L2 and that’s how we could develop a team that could push for top six of the league above. Luton and Coventry had some pretty limited battlers to get where they are but surrounded them with some decent young players too. 

This is mainly assuming a lower budget than last season but if it’s the same again I think we will be bringing in better than Oliver but someone to do that job all the same 

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2 hours ago, bricat said:

The tactical awareness, game management, rotating the team selection unnecessarily  together with pathetic organisation defending set pieces and goalkeeping coaching are going to prevent us having any success. How many points have we thrown away this season? The problems have been clear for everyone to see. We currently have the softest underbelly in the division and that plays into the hands of the opposition in the lower leagues.

Apple pie tonight

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Ultimately we need to be looking at the marginal gains side of things too. Luton apparently had a cryo chamber that went on the road with them to every game this season so the players could jump straight in after games for recovery. Smart use of money when you can’t compete wage and transfer budget wise which may be part of the reason they got where they did. Wycombe used what they had and as much as people hate it they managed to put themselves way above where their budget should have. We need to forget this big club rubbish and start looking at what the smaller clubs are doing. 
Rotherham get out of this league time and time again…. How ? What do they do. Why don’t we do it. 
it can’t be difficult we just have to look away from the blindingly obvious for once. 

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The times we got out of this league the last two occasions we did a Rotherham, we played shit turgid long ball football under Sturrock and Megson then had to change managers.

Moore, as much as I'm not convinced, is better than that and I don't want to watch shit football, you can play a style and be a success, that said the 3 promoted teams this season have been fucking grim viewing.

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6 hours ago, Andyben said:

Fucking pussies the lot of you.

If the pigs can go from L1 to the Prem why can't we.

Get a fucking grip.

We can if there was a decent management plan from the Club to build a sustainable platform, that is what has been absent.

The fact we have operated like a dogs dinner off the pitch invariably leads to a dogs dinner on it.

Our neighbours didn't just fluke it, they got a decent squad in the end that took them to the Championship and then took that momentum onwards.

That is what Wednesday have needed for years rather than splurge then  bust

Edited by mkowlthesexynewversion
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2 hours ago, TheExile said:

I wouldn’t sign Norwood, I only mentioned him as he was a question asked in the OP. I wouldn’t touch him.

On building a side I think someone like Oliver would be a back up at best a bit like Nuhiu when we nearly went up last time and purely for getting out of this league. There were some turgid away games we didn’t do the ugly stuff and someone like that who’s been around the block and who has scored double figures in the last two seasons in a poor side would know all about it, whereas some of the so called better players don’t want to or can’t deal with it. Doesn’t specifically have to be Oliver (just a freebie, has scored goals later in his career, would have a point to prove coming back here) but I think we need a physical striker to replace Kamberi and help Gregory and then a quicker more dynamic first choice one to ensure we’re not reliant on Windass as much as we were. I found Berahino was neither here nor there.

I think we’d need to sign other players of course and I suspect we will go for younger players from the premier league or championship or maybe some of the better performers in L1 or L2 and that’s how we could develop a team that could push for top six of the league above. Luton and Coventry had some pretty limited battlers to get where they are but surrounded them with some decent young players too. 

This is mainly assuming a lower budget than last season but if it’s the same again I think we will be bringing in better than Oliver but someone to do that job all the same 

You know you've totally just described Paterson don't you Vadaine?

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3 hours ago, Reesh said:

The times we got out of this league the last two occasions we did a Rotherham, we played shit turgid long ball football under Sturrock and Megson then had to change managers.

Moore, as much as I'm not convinced, is better than that and I don't want to watch shit football, you can play a style and be a success, that said the 3 promoted teams this season have been fucking grim viewing.


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There is a blue print to us going up. And it actually won’t take a lot of work to get us the right balance.

What do we have? If we keep Luongo, the five lads in our midfield are as good as it gets at this level. We just need to ensure that when we play those high tempo teams,  we are picking the likes of Dennis or Dele.

I think in Windass and Gregory we have two strikers capable of getting 40 between them. What we need is coverage, a striker with real pace and a number 9 who is strong in the air.

If we keep Jack Hunt, we have two good wing backs. But we need coverage, the wing backs are integral to us going forward.

What we need is steel. Defensive steel, I’d say three center halves, all strong in the air, all leaders and one has to be left footed. And equally critical, we need a top keeper.

I think we can go up playing the way we have been doing, we just need to get some steel into the side, and some coverage.

8 players will do it.

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1 hour ago, KrolMong said:

There is a blue print to us going up. And it actually won’t take a lot of work to get us the right balance.

What do we have? If we keep Luongo, the five lads in our midfield are as good as it gets at this level. We just need to ensure that when we play those high tempo teams,  we are picking the likes of Dennis or Dele.

I think in Windass and Gregory we have two strikers capable of getting 40 between them. What we need is coverage, a striker with real pace and a number 9 who is strong in the air.

If we keep Jack Hunt, we have two good wing backs. But we need coverage, the wing backs are integral to us going forward.

What we need is steel. Defensive steel, I’d say three center halves, all strong in the air, all leaders and one has to be left footed. And equally critical, we need a top keeper.

I think we can go up playing the way we have been doing, we just need to get some steel into the side, and some coverage.

8 players will do it.

When was the last time Windass got 20 goals? Good player but he will not get 20 even at this level. Gregory might but he needs a different partner than Windass

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1 hour ago, Reesh said:

Wish list based on that post by KM


Ben Foster 

Harlee Dean

Aden Flint

Lukas Jutkiewicz

Jordan Storey 




I'd take any of that list. I'd forgotten about Jutkiewicz, hardly get average age down but he's better than what we have and be an excellent partner for Gregory. Is he available on a free? 

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1 hour ago, Reesh said:

Wish list based on that post by KM


Ben Foster 

Harlee Dean

Aden Flint

Lukas Jutkiewicz

Jordan Storey 




Can’t argue with any of them - read earlier today that Spurs might be after bringing in Foster as cover - shame if so as he’s better than a bench warmer. 

Jutkiewicz would be a great signing.

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3 hours ago, Reesh said:

Wish list based on that post by KM


Ben Foster 

Harlee Dean

Aden Flint

Lukas Jutkiewicz

Jordan Storey 




Hasn't Ryan Lowe said that Storey will report back to preseason with Preston?

Jutkiewicz would be an excellent partner for Gregory.

Harlee Dean, Aden Flint would be 2 huge signings in Division 1.

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8 minutes ago, owl4ever1867 said:

Hasn't Ryan Lowe said that Storey will report back to preseason with Preston?

Jutkiewicz would be an excellent partner for Gregory.

Harlee Dean, Aden Flint would be 2 huge signings in Division 1.

Lowe has said that. But doesn’t mean he’ll be part of their plans beyond that.

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Pre season is going to be a tad odd this year, with our league starting earlier I assume we'd be back mid to late June, with players still contracted til the end of June we may not have new players in til July 1st. 

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59 minutes ago, Reesh said:

No he isn't. And he will stay down South. 


No he isn't. We need a big no nonsense defender not one who thinks he's Baresi. Flint, while highly unlikely, would be excellent, as would Dean

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2 hours ago, owl4ever1867 said:

Michael Hector released by Fulham, would he drop down to division 1 & would you have him?

I’d love him back but No chance of getting him. He’s probably wanting a minimum 15k a week in wages. 

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