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A New Group of Attention Seekers

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7 minutes ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

Hardly attention seeking are they?

Why wait until now to attention seek?  I can't fault them, least they've got the bollocks and care enough to do something.

What’s it going to achieve though, apart from more negative press, increased division amongst supporters and further destabilising of the club?

And if you happened to be a potential buyer/investor and saw our fans acting in this way, would it make you more or less likely to pursue an interest in the club?

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My suggestions?

1) I wouldn’t be disrupting a match by chucking balls on the pitch and neither would I be vandalising banners with the Chairman’s name on them.

2) What I might try to do, if I was still that way out, is attempt to engage with Chansiri via well argued and well reasoned written correspondence. Try to find out what he wants from the club and what he wants to achieve, and see if there’s an opportunity to work with him on this. Alternatively, if he gives an inkling that he’s had enough and wants to sell up, try to work with him in a professional manner to try and secure some new investment.

At this moment in time, if I was Chansiri I’d be digging my heels in and I’d be sending out a big “get fucked” message to those supporters who are destabilising things and trying to force him out. As you know I’ve been a big club critic of things SWFC in the past and at times I put my head above the trenches to fight for a cause I believed in at the time - and it achieved nothing, just like these actions will achieve nothing - with the exception of harming the club we all love and dividing the fanbase! 

I don’t have an issue with critics of the club and I can understand why supporters are angry, frustrated and feeling very downhearted - but what I can’t accept is these supporters potentially damaging the club to make their voice heard.

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How many tennis balls do we reckon will be thrown on the pitch ?  I'm going 17.

The bag over the seat bollards had no traction and cannot see this either.  Other Clubs that have done similar include Coventry and Charlton who had proper unrest with virtually all the fans protesting against the ownership. 

The 1867 group have a 1000 followers on Twitter of which probably 10% go to games ? 

All for people choosing to vocally protest and banners etc. but disrupting a game is beyond the pale in my eyes. 

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1 hour ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

We know why, Channers has history of banning people he doesn't agree wth

Increased division? I think the vast majority are starting to realise that the guy is a fraud and chancer. As for potential investors i think they might sit back look and think 'ahh yes, there's a chance of getting this through'.

In the past i've seen Wednesday fans applaud direct action at other clubs who's owner, like ours, turned out to be useless. Yet we've got a section stating their disapproval, any alternative suggestions?

Give it a rest you dwarf **** 

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3 hours ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

We know why, Channers has history of banning people he doesn't agree wth

Increased division? I think the vast majority are starting to realise that the guy is a fraud and chancer. As for potential investors i think they might sit back look and think 'ahh yes, there's a chance of getting this through'.

In the past i've seen Wednesday fans applaud direct action at other clubs who's owner, like ours, turned out to be useless. Yet we've got a section stating their disapproval, any alternative suggestions?

When has the club banned anybody for disagreeing with the owner? And likes been said in another post don't think that many of them attend anyway.

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15 minutes ago, Paul from Wisewood said:

Fuck me, can’t believe there’s people who still back chansiri


Not wanting to drop-kick him head first out of the door is not backing him.

Some of us would like to see a credible alternative heavily linked to us with proof of funds and who could give assurances over the club’s future before wanting to see DC depart.

If he walked away from SWFC tomorrow and refused to put another penny into the club where would that leave us?

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1 hour ago, Billysboy said:

When has the club banned anybody for disagreeing with the owner? And likes been said in another post don't think that many of them attend anyway.

The irony of that is I can think of one place - rhymes with Owlstalk - where that applies.

Be interesting what the hypocritical fuckers view is on this club statement 

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2 hours ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

The irony of that is I can think of one place - rhymes with Owlstalk - where that applies.

Be interesting what the hypocritical fuckers view is on this club statement 

Know what you mean, let's people post what a despot, dictator Chansiri is whilst he tops the lot.

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6 hours ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

think the vast majority are starting to realise that the guy is a fraud and chancer

Yep, just like the Glazers, saddling the club with debt and taking huge dividends out of it.

Just like Poundland mortgaging future payments to Macquarie so he could pay the bills (players still owed last season's promotion bonuses as well)

Just like the business model 777 are using to buy Everton before they flip the club for a profit but keep control of the new ground. 

Just like Carson Yeung, Owen Oyston, Vincent Tan, Roland Duchatelet, Craig Whyte, The Venkys, Sisu Capital (the list goes on and on)

I mean it's not like Chansiri has put something like £500m of his own money into the club since he came (please feel free to share any evidence of promissory notes or loan agreements, not noted in the accounts, that are held against the club for any repayment of the above). 

I'll be the first to agree he's had times when he's been extremely stupid and that his actions/outbursts have damaged club reputation but he's never refused to financially back the club when needed. He's also been naive when it comes to not understanding fans and he's also, at times, taken advice that may not have been right. 

But a fraud and a chancer? If you, Hargreaves, McClure, the Trust or any of the 1867 can provide evidence of fraudulent activity then I'm sure SYP and Chansiri's legal team would love to see it. 


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5 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

Yep, just like the Glazers, saddling the club with debt and taking huge dividends out of it.

Just like Poundland mortgaging future payments to Macquarie so he could pay the bills (players still owed last season's promotion bonuses as well)

Just like the business model 777 are using to buy Everton before they flip the club for a profit but keep control of the new ground. 

Just like Carson Yeung, Owen Oyston, Vincent Tan, Roland Duchatelet, Craig Whyte, The Venkys, Sisu Capital (the list goes on and on)

I mean it's not like Chansiri has put something like £500m of his own money into the club since he came (please feel free to share any evidence of promissory notes or loan agreements, not noted in the accounts, that are held against the club for any repayment of the above). 

I'll be the first to agree he's had times when he's been extremely stupid and that his actions/outbursts have damaged club reputation but he's never refused to financially back the club when needed. He's also been naive when it comes to not understanding fans and he's also, at times, taken advice that may not have been right. 

But a fraud and a chancer? If you, Hargreaves, McClure, the Trust or any of the 1867 can provide evidence of fraudulent activity then I'm sure SYP and Chansiri's legal team would love to see it. 


Stick that on ya pioneers and spin em bartos!


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12 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

Yep, just like the Glazers, saddling the club with debt and taking huge dividends out of it.

Just like Poundland mortgaging future payments to Macquarie so he could pay the bills (players still owed last season's promotion bonuses as well)

Just like the business model 777 are using to buy Everton before they flip the club for a profit but keep control of the new ground. 

Just like Carson Yeung, Owen Oyston, Vincent Tan, Roland Duchatelet, Craig Whyte, The Venkys, Sisu Capital (the list goes on and on)

I mean it's not like Chansiri has put something like £500m of his own money into the club since he came (please feel free to share any evidence of promissory notes or loan agreements, not noted in the accounts, that are held against the club for any repayment of the above). 

I'll be the first to agree he's had times when he's been extremely stupid and that his actions/outbursts have damaged club reputation but he's never refused to financially back the club when needed. He's also been naive when it comes to not understanding fans and he's also, at times, taken advice that may not have been right. 

But a fraud and a chancer? If you, Hargreaves, McClure, the Trust or any of the 1867 can provide evidence of fraudulent activity then I'm sure SYP and Chansiri's legal team would love to see it. 


Apart from the racism, I think some of these making slanderous accusations are going to be in for a shock.

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36 minutes ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

1) what have I accused him of? 

2) A sad state of affairs when fans would welcome legal action against fellow supporters. 


1. Calling him a fraud in respect of how he runs the club and saying you wouldn't be surprised if he had commuted actual fraud.


2. Who said that? Just think it's worth a read and take care posting stuff. Don't want this site dragged into anything.


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20 hours ago, Southy_SWFC said:

Not sure you can claim they've got bollocks when they won't even say who they are. 

This 100%.  When this is over and other folk have got into trouble with the club or police for doing what they've incited them to do, then maybe getting carried away and doing worse, this lot will slink back to their seats knowing that they're completely safe and anonymous.  Cowards.

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58 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

This 100%.  When this is over and other folk have got into trouble with the club or police for doing what they've incited them to do, then maybe getting carried away and doing worse, this lot will slink back to their seats knowing that they're completely safe and anonymous.  Cowards.

Wouldnt worry about that mate, from what I've read they sound about 11 year old, hardly fucking Baader - Meinhof are they.

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9 minutes ago, Beaconowl said:

MK, would it be fair to say though that without him there may not be a Club for us to support?

There would not be the current entity Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited to support no.

I would be 99.9% certain that there would be The Wednesday FC for us to shift our allegiance too. Like Bury did and a few others over the years.

Club to me is a hell of a lot more than the person who owns the shares that owns the golden share with the EFL.

And Chansiri will never own the spirit of the Club, the thing that is inside us 


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21 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

There would not be the current entity Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited to support no.

I would be 99.9% certain that there would be The Wednesday FC for us to shift our allegiance too. Like Bury did and a few others over the years.

Club to me is a hell of a lot more than the person who owns the shares that owns the golden share with the EFL.

And Chansiri will never own the spirit of the Club, the thing that is inside us 


My thoughts entirely 

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3 hours ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

I would be 99.9% certain that there would be The Wednesday FC for us to shift our allegiance too. Like Bury did and a few others over the years.

Does anyone know if there's a current owner of 'The Wednesday FC" name? Would it still be the club?

And is the phoenixed Wednesday CC still going?

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3 hours ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

There would not be the current entity Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited to support no.

I would be 99.9% certain that there would be The Wednesday FC for us to shift our allegiance too. Like Bury did and a few others over the years.

Club to me is a hell of a lot more than the person who owns the shares that owns the golden share with the EFL.

And Chansiri will never own the spirit of the Club, the thing that is inside us 


Not sure personally.  156 years of tradition down the pan would likely kill the 'spirit' for many. 

Hope it never comes to that. 

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