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Can Danny blitz Coventry...... Match Thread

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We got exactly what we deserved today nothing.

The debate will be about a shockingly bad ref, but it cannot deflect from a piss poor performance all round.

From a poor team selection in the first place and the substitutions did not wrest any semblance of control back. Indeed having got back into the game we had nothing in midfield and Coventry could pass it in there at will. Hence apart from one chance we created no real pressure the last 20 minutes. 

Ultimately there is only so much Rohl can achieve from a low quality base of players 


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Presume that was a bottle thrown and some racist comments aimed at Kasey Palmer. Not acceptable but the ref has to take a degree of responsibility that such a poor performance for 90 minutes by him rattled the crowd plenty. He will no doubt file a report but he needs to question himself.

I wonder if a Far East syndicate is celebrating 🍾 the number of bookings 

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We either need a mobile ball winner next to Vaulks, or we need a proper 10 and we play Bannan next to Vaulks. What is clear is that he expects mobility in that two, and that beyond Bannan and Vaulks - he doesn’t have it unless he puts a full back in there. He clearly thinks it’s beyond Diaby and Byers (and I agree).

Our issue in the first half was that we could get the ball but couldn’t find a blue and white shirt with it.

In the second half I thought that we needed to keep Vaulks on and hook Palmer and put Bannan next to Palmer. The attacking changes were fine, but we weakened ourselves in the centre of midfield by leaving Palmer in there.

We’ve got to stop persisting with Fletcher. He’s not mobile enough.

We had some good chances in the second half, but, Coventry were comfortable. They are a good side, very well drilled, a very lively in the last third with 3 or 4 very good players.

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There is no excuse for any one in the crowd going to the level it appears to have reached today.

And no a shocking performance by the ref does not equate to someone thinking it is OK.

But football is emotive and can any of us say we have not done something ruddy stupid. Ok maybe not that stupid or inappropriate, and the person will deserve the punishment of being banned.

But the EFL cannot excuse that performance by the ref and its contribution to anger in the crowd 

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It was not so much the refs performance causing had crowd anger but Palmer constantly winding up that corner of Kop and North all second half. 

It was obvious what he was doing and perhaps ref should have had a word with Palmer or if not Robins.  

Not condoning the abuse but Palmer giving it out has contributed.


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5 minutes ago, Hirstys 12th Pint said:

It was not so much the refs performance causing had crowd anger but Palmer constantly winding up that corner of Kop and North all second half. 

It was obvious what he was doing and perhaps ref should have had a word with Palmer or if not Robins.  

Not condoning the abuse but Palmer giving it out has contributed.


Players will always get away with that and that doing x will never mean y is deserved. 

Can't argue really against that, but I suspect many of us are fairly mild mannered until 90 minutes inside a football stadium and we occasionally lose it. 

Ok it's generally Wednesday Tourettes and we all go home. Somebody's actions went too far and if identified will get a lifetime ban. But then in a country where folk openly do speeches in London calling for infidel perhaps we should not push someone too far under a bus for a moment of madness. 


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2 hours ago, mkowl said:

Type of player we have lacked. Doesn't seem that Rohl is convinced by M Diaby in there 


He was superb for them today, ran the middle of the park.

It must be bad if Diaby can't convince him to play him front of Palmer - who simply isn't good enough to play in the midfield.

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I am a strong believer that games are in general won or lost by your midfield.

Ok if you have shit defenders and attackers that can't hit a barn door it can count for nowt, but in the main if you dominate midfield then you protect the defence and its the base from where attacks develop.

Let's be honest ours is way below the standard required for this league. And unless it's strengthened, then I can't see us escaping this.

I got so frustrated with the subs, we had effectively 5 strikers on at the end, and Bannan in midfield. There is bugger all point in doing this if you can't get the ball. It was as desperate as we saw from Moore at times 

The talk is about other positions but if Byers and Diaby are not getting in the starting 11 and Palmer is then that is a real issue 

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11 minutes ago, Chelters said:

Wasn’t expecting any points from these two games to be honest. On form we have played possibly the two best teams in the league.

We need to step it up again after the FA Cup game for sure.

Southampton are a different level but I don't think Coventry were anything special. I thought it was more we played poorly this week.

It just never seemed right from the start. I don't think the line up helped, the subs didn't change the game pattern either. 

I would add whilst Windass is probably our best striker he is a more an individual than fitting a team pattern.

Bannan is technically our best player but we are struggling to get him fully effective. He is no better than average in this league and his legs are going.

But we have a team full of 5.5/10 players 


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For all the stick we’re getting for our performance today I don’t think we were half as shit as SOME are saying. 
Coventry were just better. It’s that simple, they have a cohesion and crucially that quality that we didn’t have, they didn’t try any harder. We gave them a game. 

Again though, we don’t create enough, I think Fletcher started very well tbf to him. The first 20 or so but then just drifted out of the game. He was dragged by his shirt to the floor on halfway around halfway through the first half, got nothing, and that was it for him. 

Kasey Palmer is a good player, as others have eluded to, he has been for some time. His ‘antics’ started when they scored the second goal and he was gesticulating about us going down to the Kop. And kept doing it then when he was obviously wasting time in the corner, it antagonised even more and he did the pointing to the ground / going down thing again and it kicked off. 

A bottle was wanged onto the pitch in his direction and I don’t know if it hit him, or Di’shon Bernard who was trying to calm the fans down. Then apparently the chant started from a small minority. Imagine what our players thought of it too….

Absolute Neanderthal behaviour from mindless idiots. Oh no, a player made a gesture, what a horrible man!! If any fan can’t accept banter goes both ways, without resorting to violence or racism, then you need a word with yourself. 
While it’s a very small, minority the actions of those absolute weapons will now tar us with their brush. 

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It’s another disappointing result but not unexpected.

I think we were more competitive than Boxing Day and not just because we were playing at home.

I can understand some of the comments about the team selection but I thought we had some good spells but it was against a well drilled team and they are on a high just like Soton, which isn’t to be underestimated. It was a little bit puzzling that Byers and Momo weren’t used.

The race is far from run and we don’t  need to panic. It’s about picking up wins against those teams around us and nick some from those further up.

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I think we've found out back 5 and they can bed in and settle for the rest of rhe season.

Vaulks is still #1 on the  team sheet and best midfielder at the club.

Bannan and Mo Diaby play ahead of him, in the  absence of better options.

Gassama and Cadamateri play as a pair of 10s with Ugbo as our striker.

I like Fletcher, but if he's not scoring, he need to be used to close out games. Musaba is  a wild card and deputises for Gassama and BTC.

Windass and Smith get sold ASAP to fund more dynamic midfielders to replace Bannan and Mo  and a Left Back

Palmer does prematch meet & greets 

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2 hours ago, Andyben said:


Ihekiwe Bernard 

Pol V  Vaulks  Johnson 

Mo D  Bannan

BTC  Gassama 


Found Pol V very frustrating today, wanted him to attack down the flank more than he did, this passing back he does, does my head in, get ya head up & move it forward 

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Tough games these last 2, as has been said certainly not season defining although the next 8 or so really are, aside of Leicester away they are points available if we tick.

We need to have parity of games played to points ASAP. 

5 wins from 8 does it and looking at fixtures it's not unreasonable. 

It just needs doing.


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Anyway looks like the camera in the Lepp End pointing to the Kop picked up someone doing the monkey gesture.

Not a brilliant pic but he does look on the younger side.

I totally accept the zero tolerance view, but how about the option of them being educated about what they did.

I can readily admit that 42 years ago I was stood on the Kop and joined in the same. Of course society has changed, but that change was driven by education first and foremost.

The kid that did this is a fucking idiot for sure, ok a ban will be forthcoming but I am a firm believer in 2nd chances in life. 

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9 hours ago, owl4ever1867 said:

Found Pol V very frustrating today, wanted him to attack down the flank more than he did, this passing back he does, does my head in, get ya head up & move it forward 

He probably looked over his left shoulder and thought "Do I trust that wingnut Palmer to drop in and cover me..."

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12 hours ago, owl4ever1867 said:

Found Pol V very frustrating today, wanted him to attack down the flank more than he did, this passing back he does, does my head in, get ya head up & move it forward 

Me too, he seems to be playing within himself.  More than once he had space to run with the ball and we know he's got pace but he chose to amble forward, stop and pass it back.  He could be a real outlet for us but he doesn't seem willing or confident to take on that role.

As for Palmer, weird game from him - there's no way that Vaulks should have got the hook and he stayed on, that effectively weakened our midfield and he was a mixed bag on the ball as well.  Usually his control is good quality despite other shortcomings but even that wasn't great today.  He can't keep getting start there ahead of Diaby or Byers or we have real issues.  I thought a few others had poor games too, Ihiekwe was below his recent standard, Windass & Fletcher too and Bannan was generally ineffective. 

Musaba looked out of sorts when he came on and Wilks was gash.

You don't win matches in the Championship when so many players aren't on their game. 

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The other aspect of this is the pile on nature. The chap from the WTID podcast the next target as he suggested in a now deleted tweet that there was a degree of culpability by Palmer in why he became the target. 

Palmer on the wind up, the performance of the ref, Wednesday losing etc etc. Football is an emotive game, we have all done or said stupid stuff, ok none of it excuses the racist gesture, but its the holier than thou hand wringing.

How many of these happily slag off Chansiri - not racist at all ! How many speak up against religious fanatics spouting they want to kill the infidels ie us How many suggest their comments are anti Israel not anti semitic. 

The hypocrisy and selective choice of issues they comment on I find fascinating. 

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2 hours ago, mkowl said:

The other aspect of this is the pile on nature. The chap from the WTID podcast the next target as he suggested in a now deleted tweet that there was a degree of culpability by Palmer in why he became the target. 

Palmer on the wind up, the performance of the ref, Wednesday losing etc etc. Football is an emotive game, we have all done or said stupid stuff, ok none of it excuses the racist gesture, but its the holier than thou hand wringing.

How many of these happily slag off Chansiri - not racist at all ! How many speak up against religious fanatics spouting they want to kill the infidels ie us How many suggest their comments are anti Israel not anti semitic. 

The hypocrisy and selective choice of issues they comment on I find fascinating. 

There's no excuse for what was said/ done. None.

And don't WTID have form for being racist 

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3 minutes ago, Andyben said:

There's no excuse for what was said/ done. None.

And don't WTID have form for being racist 

To clarify WTID podcast. 

Very different people to WTID from 12 years ago.

Some are suggesting that some historical tweets of his could be construed as such. Something like Munez should fuck off back to his country. 

The deleted tweet is on Stalk, it is not racist in itself just suggesting Palmer was not innocent and that people got wound up by his actions - but 



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7 minutes ago, Snap said:

Seen the Tweet now.

As for the incident itself, I'm sure the individual will be identified and dealt with by the club, hopefully swiftly, and rightly so.

Racially abuses a player, dumps a load of crap on his clubs doorstep and about to make life considerably more difficult for himself. You'd think that the minority of people that are still like this would have taken note of what happened after the Bradley Lowery episode.

I mean the tweet is not racist, let's make that clear. 

At worst it could be construed as it excuses it.

But you will read that as you want. It was clumsy and the one thing you don't do is leave it ambiguous. 

I mean I can understand why folk got wound up in the stadium, but as Andyben says doesn't matter how much that was it cannot excuse racism. But folk come out of stadiums desperate to fight or goad an opposition fan - don't get that.

Football is emotive, people do dumb things, but you can't cross this line.

I don’t like the pile on to others 

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1 hour ago, mkowl said:

To clarify WTID podcast. 

Very different people to WTID from 12 years ago.

Some are suggesting that some historical tweets of his could be construed as such. Something like Munez should fuck off back to his country. 

The deleted tweet is on Stalk, it is not racist in itself just suggesting Palmer was not innocent and that people got wound up by his actions - but 



No need. 

We know you're racist....😂 

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9 hours ago, mkowl said:

I am a firm believer in 2nd chances in life. 

Some could say one of the reasons the country is screwed is due to the second chances you refer to.

Speaking as someone who has maintained a clean criminal record throughout my not insignificant years, I fail to see how other fellow human beings can't achieve the same.

It's not difficult. Just do your best, keep your head down and wind yer neck in.

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17 minutes ago, EastCraigsOwl said:

Some could say one of the reasons the country is screwed is due to the second chances you refer to.

Speaking as someone who has maintained a clean criminal record throughout my not insignificant years, I fail to see how other fellow human beings can't achieve the same.

It's not difficult. Just do your best, keep your head down and wind yer neck in.

A bit of a deep subject for OO

I take the view you do the crime, you take the punishment and then once served, the person should be given the chance to show remorse and the slate clean.

I mean folk make mistakes driving as an example, they get a ban but we don't say you deserve a lifetime ban.

This kid may never show remorse, hope he does saying that. Maybe I am a wishy washy liberal on such things 


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2 minutes ago, Andyben said:

I'm guessing the thick ****(s) who did what they did also attached DC for sacking Moore.


Plenty hand wringing on Stalk on this topic but then it's the leading place for anti Chansiri posts as well. 

That won't be racist of course


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If the inept ref had done his job properly then Palmer wouldn't have even been on the pitch at the end for the incident to have happened.

He should have been booked for the pull back on our player when the ref waved play on and then sent off for the actual yellow he did get.

He was quick to go back and book our player after a simular incident


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11 minutes ago, Otto_Man said:

Dare I ask...and I know it's not required for allegations of racist abuse...but is there any actual evidence?

Yea very very strong evidence - hard to dispute 

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