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Dee Dahs v Dingles official match 'fred'


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7 minutes ago, Owling_Wolf said:

Why have we assembled such good players only to play so utterly negatively. They're playing the aggressive, wide press every opponent plays at S6 and we haven't a clue what to do. We're totally predictable and should be mixing it up. Barnsley have played simple, effective football, deserve the lead and we've got players who've completely lost their confidence. I saw Johnson opening his arms wide to our bench 

I think you'll find it's down to DM Owling, nobody else.

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Watched the last 30 minutes and it was like watching a bunch of under 6s running around after the ball and looking totally clueless as to what to do when we got the ball.

Barnsley were far the better team, lot more organized, knew what job each player had & executed said plan.

Some of them down at S6 need a wake up call imo.

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That was poor in so many ways. I don’t think Barnsley are that great but they didn’t need to be today.

1) Tactically it didn’t work, to start with or any changes that were made.  Im not necessarily saying the starting 11 was wrong but the first 45mins consisted of too many sloppy passes

2) As others have said they showed more energy and fight. Albeit I don’t think our players weren’t committed to the cause out of possession, it was more of slowness when we had the ball 

3) Im not convinced we can play with 2 strikers, Miighten, Byers, Bannan and Wilks as a midfield 4 because a) there’s not enough height or power in there and b) Mighten looks a bit lightweight.

4) Gregory so reliable last season hasn’t showed the same instinct for goal. The one clear cut chance we had he seemed hesitant whether to head it or kick it - at the time it might have made a difference but tbh, I somehow doubt it.

In amongst all of these things is DMs  decisions and man management. As suggested September is a big month for playing some of the potential teams that are likely to be in the top 6. If todays result is anything to go by we could be playing catch up again. Like many on here the jury’s out on if  DM can actually take the club forward (get us at least back into the Championship). We need to see a reaction Darren. 

Finally, I might have to reconsider my earlier comment about how we normally fare against them, starting to feel like another “little” club that play in red and white 😐

Edited by Tank_Owl2,0
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17 minutes ago, Professor Plum said:

Happy doing what Happy does best, keeping our feet rooted to the ground. When we start to get a bit giddy we can depend on Happy to bring us crashing down to earth again.😂

Saw a magpie on the way to the game then they changed ends at the start it was all downhill from there to be fair 

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Absolute shite. Brain dead tactics throughout. Why assemble a top, top squad and then spend 90 mins farting about at the back. We deserved exactly what we got. So did Barnsley. A team with better players would have beaten us by 4 or 5.  Self-inflicted madness, ruining our players' confidence before our eyes and alienating our crowd. They were targetting Johnson  in their press today and he regularly got caught: eventually cost us the 1st goal. But it's not down to individual players, it's down to tactics: asking them to do something every 30 seconds that they're not good at and patently hate. After being mugged yet again, Johnson had his arms spread wide to our bench at one point, as in 'It ain't working, do something about it.'  Iorfa and McGuiness are visibly losing their confidence, both players who played brilliantly at Bolton. 
At least mix it up a bit with some normal goal kicks, otherwise opponents  always know how to play. Put a few longer passes in, a long ball into a corner, SOMETHING to plant doubt in their mind when they're racing towards our defenders. This is shocking coaching! 

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What to add 🤔

I am struggling to name who was the least worse player, I will go for Byers but it was a race to the bottom. He would score 4/10 as a top mark at best. 

Moore did allude to the disrupted week with I suspect a few players distracted by talk of moves. They certainly played like it.

Interesting that Duff came up against Moore last season. Yet again he has come 2nd in the battle of tactics. And his inability to produce a Plan B again evident. Ok throw subs on but what was the intent.

Tbh Barnsley did a job on us, it could and should have been a bigger margin of defeat really. The chances to Gregory were not easy and they had better ones they missed.

A very poor day and certainly need a reaction next week for a very tough fixture 

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Fair points Owling, I don't think Wednesday fans will have much patience with Moore. A couple of interesting calls on RS echoing your view. Rob Staton not having it that we were rubbish in winning 5 - 0 as suggested. I think it misses a point, the 2nd half was poor and I think has contributed to a mindset we can just turn up an win, our home record etc speaks for itself. However we forget the basics of winning the right to play our football. Easy street last week means we aren't battle toughened

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Regarding the why not mix it up a bit question Owling posed.

In the first few minutes it looked like we were going to. We went long a couple of times and Gregory/Windass picked up the second ball in promising areas. I thought “we’ve spotted a weakness from them here, we going to be going long and looking to exploit poor clearances/slowness to the second ball”. Then the clock ticked onto five minutes and we decided not to do it for the rest of the game.

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3 minutes ago, cheat said:

Regarding the why not mix it up a bit question Owling posed.

In the first few minutes it looked like we were going to. We went long a couple of times and Gregory/Windass picked up the second ball in promising areas. I thought “we’ve spotted a weakness from them here, we going to be going long and looking to exploit poor clearances/slowness to the second ball”. Then the clock ticked onto five minutes and we decided not to do it for the rest of the game.

It’s why DM is tactically inept, just selects the same side to play every team every week hoping that some how the opposition manager forgets to ether press us or man mark BB out of the game.

wants fucking off be lucky to make play offs.

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Barnsley had a player, there number 2. Willi think, who was just running through our midfield with the ball time snd again especially 2nd half. We didn't have anybody who could do that.

Iorfa? Looks half the player, can't do the basics he constantly let his man get in front of him. And his use of the ball🤨

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Just now, Mark said:

Barnsley had a player, there number 2. Willi think, who was just running through our midfield with the ball time snd again especially 2nd half. We didn't have anybody who could do that.

Iorfa? Looks half the player, can't do the basics he constantly let his man get in front of him. And his use of the ball🤨


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46 minutes ago, owl71 said:

Almost certainly Toytown last season. Thanks for reminding us all, just what we needed 🙄

We also need to remind ourselves that give or take a few weeks we beat Rotherham at there’s 2-0 and look how that panned out eh

Some fans need to calm the fook down and have a word with themselves 

By the way I thought the atmosphere was shite today 

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Not sure I've seen a professional team get the basics wrong so much in a game, there was a moment in the 2nd half where James decided he was passing it back across to Ihekwie, he did it without looking, the Barnsley forward read it and they were nearly in. That wasn't a one off it happened time and again, they seemed to just make the wrong choice every time.

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4 minutes ago, HappyOwl said:

We also need to remind ourselves that give or take a few weeks we beat Rotherham at there’s 2-0 and look how that panned out eh

Some fans need to calm the fook down and have a word with themselves 

By the way I thought the atmosphere was shite today 

I'm not sure why that was a surprise, Hap. Not with what we were watching.  And not with it being so obviously self-inflicted. 

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10 minutes ago, Owling_Wolf said:

I'm not sure why that was a surprise, Hap. Not with what we were watching.  And not with it being so obviously self-inflicted. 

I’ve been at Hillsborough few times when we’ve been behind 😂😂😂 but we’ve still got behind the team and tried to get them going it’s just a modern thing that the atmos turns toxic and quiet it’s just crap 

Even north stand can hold there heads in shame today didn’t even attempt to go through the netting 😂😂😂

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22 minutes ago, HappyOwl said:

We also need to remind ourselves that give or take a few weeks we beat Rotherham at there’s 2-0 and look how that panned out eh

Some fans need to calm the fook down and have a word with themselves 

By the way I thought the atmosphere was shite today 

The atmosphere is poor because of the way we play 

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3 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

Anyway could be worse, young un played his first reserve game for the adults. They lost 5 Nil and he scored an Og

Oh dear hope they are ok 

Chin up and learn from it 👍👍👍👍

Been there with my lad not quite at that level but it’s hard 

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4 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

If we play on the front foot then the crowd get behind them. But when it's poor and there is no impact coming from the bench 

Lets be clear we are not that entertaining 

I agree was boring winning 5-0 last week as well I just can’t put my finger on it maybe it’s not having an enclosed stadium or something like that 

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22 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

If we play on the front foot then the crowd get behind them. But when it's poor and there is no impact coming from the bench 

Lets be clear we are not that entertaining 

No we're not. Frankly at times I'm bored stiff

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Well that was crap but credit to Barnsley I thought they were decent and did a job on us, no complaints.

Too many off their game today, maybe a bit complacent after recent results.  Windass and Bakinson in particular were well off it.

I know it was a frustrating day but our fans really need to be a bit more patient, the Kop were Barnsley’s 12th man today.


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4 hours ago, Chelters said:

Well that was crap but credit to Barnsley I thought they were decent and did a job on us, no complaints.

Too many off their game today, maybe a bit complacent after recent results.  Windass and Bakinson in particular were well off it.

I know it was a frustrating day but our fans really need to be a bit more patient, the Kop were Barnsley’s 12th man today.


I understand what you mean about being the 12th man but I can understand how frustrating it can be watching the ball being passed around the back 3 all of the time.

Duff saw the success Portsmouth got here and went after our wing backs. Johnson in particular was targeted. You stop our wing backs, the end result is a back 3 playing the hard game of "who plays it forward"?

Then as soon as it goes forward, 95% of the time, midfielder plays it back to them straight away.

As demonstrated four times, fannying around with the ball at the back = inevitable mistake = great chance for the opposition. Home fans get fed up and get angry with it, and rightly so. The team is losing and we need a goal, messing with it at the back isn't going to get it.

It also gets Windass and Gregory fed up with it. What's the point being on the pitch when you're never going to get the ball?

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