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Greno last won the day on April 16 2023

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  1. And now they come in their thousands from war torn France. I wonder what attracts them. It can't be the climate. Must be free taxpayers money.
  2. Not really an answer to a pertinent question is it?
  3. I'll pay your petrol and help you get him out of the boot.
  4. What a bunch of bellends. They need a good fisting, each and every one of them. But above all that Hargreaves fwit.
  5. Probably not. You've been framed 😁 But you're game for a laugh.
  6. That's why the transport system out of Hull is so crap. It's Royston Vaisey by another name.
  7. They do. That's why I have to beg!! 😁
  8. I'm contacting my student, who works there, tomorrow to blag a freebie. He'll have forgotten his professional ethics classes by now 😁
  9. I prefer the Richard Thompson song of the same name 😁
  10. Looks like a Manchester United shirt. I bet the dippers are thrilled.
  11. And there was him hoping for a pearl necklace.
  12. Well let's hope it doesn't happen and they crawl back under whatever God forsaken rocks they crawled out of in the first place. One of them being "Philly".
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