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The World Cup thread….

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1 hour ago, Reesh said:



You OK hun?

Fine, thanks sweetheart. 

Not hiding. Just finished watching as was working til 8pm.

As Cheat has said, our World Cup has been shocking and it'll be the last major tournament for a while. I've posted previously that Page shouldn't have picked players on almost a "thanks for getting us here" basis. It turned the experience into a jolly for players who weren't fit enough through either injury or lack of game time and Page had to change the tactics to accommodate them from the ones that had got us here. 

I'll openly admit we're in Qatar by default. We got through a play off system by being lucky against a Ukrainian side that probably would have walked all over us if they and the fixture hadn't been affected by the war. 

Bale has said it's not his last game in a Wales shirt but it needs to be, along with Ramsey, Allen and Williams. The engine room and forward line needs to be rebuilt with youth who are playing regularly and a plan put in place to ignore the Euros and work towards the next World Cup. But it might come to fruition for Euro 28.

And if we're looking at a full rebuild then Page needs to go as well. 

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I was surprised how easy it was for England. As mentioned earlier in the thread, Wales never laid a glove on us, while the first half was a little slow, I never felt like there was an element of panic or even frustration. 
We had more possession, never had a shot at us in target, even Pickford took the piss with the dive for that high and wide shot in injury time at the end of the half.

Then we seemed to flick a switch and totally take control in the second half. Even then I don’t think everything was thrown at Wales. One fantastic finish and then a great example of how putting Wales under pressure off the ball was all that was needed to win the game. 

Yes Bale went off injured but it seemed like so many just weren’t there or overawed by the occasion. 
I’m disappointed for a few Welsh friends that I know who are over there, and the fans I know here that aren’t dicks as it must hurt right now. For all the talk of pride, effort, etc etc pre game, if I was Welsh I’d be gutted. It just didn’t seem to be there from the majority of those on the field at the start.

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There was just a big gulf in quality. I expected blood and thunder from Wales but either Page or the players shit themselves. They planted themselves on the 18 yard line and stayed there until England bagged the third.

I don’t think England were brilliant, but, the front three just tore Wales to pieces. It was a good balance with the craft and guile of Foden and the pace and power of Rashford.  Henderson was excellent too just mopping up second balls. 

We have a very winnable game on Sunday, and I’d not change the team to be honest.

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2 hours ago, HoylandOwl said:

For all the talk of pride, effort, etc etc pre game, if I was Welsh I’d be gutted. It just didn’t seem to be there from the majority of those on the field at the start.

Ellis James summed it up perfectly in a pre match interview. 2016 and we were just there for the ride and showed no fear. Came crashing straight back down with not qualifying for 2018. 2021 and the optimism grows again as we reach the last 16 and this continues until the kick off against the US. At that point most Wales fans thought which team am I watching cos it's not Wales. 

Maybe it might have been a different story if we'd got England out of the way in the first game so there was possibly a better chance of coming second, depending on other results. I think Page set up not to lose against the US in the hope England would have enough to beat them in the 2nd game. Problem was Iran got proper stung by the 6-2 and came out needing the win from the Wales game and they wanted it more. 

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2 hours ago, KrolMong said:

There was just a big gulf in quality. I expected blood and thunder from Wales but either Page or the players shit themselves. They planted themselves on the 18 yard line and stayed there until England bagged the third.

I don’t think England were brilliant, but, the front three just tore Wales to pieces. It was a good balance with the craft and guile of Foden and the pace and power of Rashford.  Henderson was excellent too just mopping up second balls. 

We have a very winnable game on Sunday, and I’d not change the team to be honest.

Yes I'd be inclined to keep same team. I'd make us fav to beat Senegal but only just. I can see it going to extra time etc

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Feel sorry for the Welsh that went over to watch that shit show, I've seen all of Wales's matches and they've been second best in every one. The team had the capability to beat both Iran and the US, but showed absolutely no fight in either game. Came out last night looking like a team that didn't want their arses handing to them rather than trying to make it a derby type atmosphere. Press the ball, fly into the tackle, give the "red wall" something to get excited about.  We can all take losing to a better team, but to lose in that manner is embarrassing.

Page is a wank manager, no more, no less. You'd have thought as a former pig he'd have been accustomed to being in someone else's shadow and used his experience of how the pigs used to raise their game to play us in last night's game. They'd have been better bringing Coleman back in, at least have fired them up for it

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2 hours ago, Otto_Man said:

They'd have been better bringing Coleman back in, at least have fired them up for it

Good God no. He was just the frontman. 

Coleman's managerial history, both pre and post Wales isn't anything to shout about. I believe he's topping up his tan in Greek football. 

The real 'mastermind' behind Wales at Euro 2016 was Osian Roberts. Roberts left Porthmadog to become National technical director (and under 18s coach) in 2014. Coleman was actually taking us backwards, results wise, from where Speed had got us to and in 2015 the FAW made Roberts the assistant coach and Coleman the 'manager'. All of Wales' on the pitch success was down to Roberts. 

Trouble was Coleman started believing the hype and stopped listening to Roberts and was sacked after we couldn't qualify out of a relatively straight forward group for Russia 2018. 

Roberts was turned down for the role in favour of Giggs but fell out with Giggs and went to be technical director at Morocco.  That's how Page got promoted from being u21 coach. 

Roberts then went to Palace to join Viera and a lot on the inside say he's doing the same job there as he did in 2016. 

He's been called the most influential coach in European football that you've never heard of. 


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59 minutes ago, owl4ever1867 said:

Poland were woeful tonight, weren't interested in attacking at all.

They scrape through after Mexico won 2-1 & go through on GD.

France won't have a problem with them.

If it wasn’t for that late Saudi goal, Mexico would have gone out by virtue of a worse disciplinary record!

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got to love these "professionals" in the commentary boxes

In the Argentina game neither of them had a clue how the positions would be worked out after they were level on goal difference and goals scored - presumably someone eventually passed them a piece of paper - then they only thought it went on bookings and didn't have a clue about red cards and how they were awarded

In the Mexico game when Saudi made it 2-1 they said it was "all over now" when in fact if Mexico had won 3-1 they would have been above Poland on goals scored


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Poland will get rolled over horribly on Sunday. There’s all kinds of jokes here that poland will try and play two keepers or have a back 8. Regardless they’ll get rolled over. And against a not great France team too.

Little tidbit, Carlos tried to sign Kamil Glik in both 06 and 07. Glik wanted to come too.

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Crazy games. Thst ball looked definitely out 2me. Why are we not seeing definitive pictures ? Obviously it's nice Germany are out but I don't think they've played that badly over the 3 games. Spain want shooting for not creating many chances with that possession 

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