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Just now, mkowl said:

You will need to refer to him as Hargreaves the 2nd forthwith 

We are absolutely a better forum in that we permit debate 

Debate is fine. it's the blatant lies aimed at disparaging DC I abhor.

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1 minute ago, Tewksbury said:

Can't we all just get along?


The merit of this place is that alternative views are always allowed if they are reasoned and fairly articulate.

We suddenly seem to have become a fan base of either you are Chansiri lover or hater. I readily admit I am a fence sitter.

Not thrilled at how he has run the Club, absolutely think we should have used the resources better, can see signs of the change in tack that I have long called for and totally fearful that the protesters fail to address what comes next if you succeed in removing him - which I don't think will happen anyway 

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14 hours ago, OzzieOwl78 said:

I hope not.

One of the main defences put forward for Chansiri is that he’s learning.

If we are 23rd with this squad - and close to FFP limits - I’d say that totally quashes that argument.

FFP aside ( who really knows on here).  I'll agree that the learning process took too long but change often brings initial setbacks. Appointing a Warnock type for example early in the season, if history is anything to go by, might well have seen us in relative safety.  Would it have been right for the longer term though? Arguably a Rhöl type of appointment at the start of last season, along with recruiting players like Gassama and Musaba (as opposed to Smith/Ihekwei) and blooding youngsters like Cadamarteri might well have seen us still in the league below.

I hope that we avoid the drop this season but I can live with relegation if the current coaching team remains in place and the embryonic shift in approach is continued.

Edited by Teddy Nickelarse
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56 minutes ago, mkowl said:


The merit of this place is that alternative views are always allowed if they are reasoned and fairly articulate.

We suddenly seem to have become a fan base of either you are Chansiri lover or hater. I readily admit I am a fence sitter.

Not thrilled at how he has run the Club, absolutely think we should have used the resources better, can see signs of the change in tack that I have long called for and totally fearful that the protesters fail to address what comes next if you succeed in removing him - which I don't think will happen anyway 

100% agree. 

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4 hours ago, OzzieOwl78 said:

We then lost our manager, took an age to recruit a new one due to a lack of strategic planning.

We then signed a load of loan players and short term fixes yet again.

Yet there seems to be a blind faith that Chansiri has changed for the better - apparently through no other reason - than he’s signed Musaba and Gassama - for whom the jury is still out.

All the evidence, says he’s not learned a thing.

Agreed the appointment of Munoz took far too long in what was already a shortened pre-season. Consequence of which was rushed player recruitment. That said the signings of Musaba, Gassama (and even the 1 year Bernard) were a departure from what we had come to expect. Whether the jury is out ( for some) on the former two it was and is an encouraging  shift IMO.

Whilst not agreeing with your blind faith description I'd accept that in the face of the rabid anti- Chansiri rhetoric then sometimes the vigorous push back by more neutral opiners might encourage that impression.

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1 hour ago, Reesh said:

I love how you think this place is a democracy, bless your pure hearts....

We understand its not a democracy but we respect that the admins are generally not ***** like Hargreaves

And if he thinks this is bullying take a fucking look in the mirror

My over-riding bugbear these days is social media is so shit, this place is a bastion and we should fight to keep it that way, not descend to the level where folk get banned, cancelled, no platformed etc just for expressing an opinion.

The main exception should be hate speech - I appreciate that is a matter of judgement that evolves over time - lies, or those using it as a front. 

We should encourage educated decent debate not close it down 

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Come on MK, you express a different opinion most weeks and I don't think you're censored, there's a healthy (usually) enjoyable debate and you're pragmatic enough to see others views.

The issues arise when new people join either on the windup or start spouting the same untrue bollocks that has been disproven time and again. 

Maybe we need a pinned locked thread that dispells all the myths and we can point people to?! Fucked if I could write it mind 😄

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2 hours ago, Otto_Man said:

Come on MK, you express a different opinion most weeks and I don't think you're censored, there's a healthy (usually) enjoyable debate and you're pragmatic enough to see others views.

The issues arise when new people join either on the windup or start spouting the same untrue bollocks that has been disproven time and again. 

Maybe we need a pinned locked thread that dispells all the myths and we can point people to?! Fucked if I could write it mind 😄

No I don't feel censored - I just think some others migrating across from Stalk aren't necessarily Nevs or infiltrators. Perhaps they just want to come on here to join the debate in a way that is not permitted over there.

And I think it's healthy to have differing views or alternative takes on stuff. 


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2 hours ago, Otto_Man said:

Come on MK, you express a different opinion most weeks and I don't think you're censored, there's a healthy (usually) enjoyable debate and you're pragmatic enough to see others views.

The issues arise when new people join either on the windup or start spouting the same untrue bollocks that has been disproven time and again. 

Maybe we need a pinned locked thread that dispells all the myths and we can point people to?! Fucked if I could write it mind 😄

I have done something on the stadium sale - be on a thread somewhere. I always stress it's an opinion, because frankly the facts are not available to prove or indeed disprove my musings.

And totally agree that when I view stuff on Stalk that is misunderstood or downright wrong I go get frustrated that these mistruths become fact, are shared around other social media sites as gospel and are then used as fact against Chansiri.

I know it happens because my oldest lad in particular will state said facts from Facebook etc and I have to tell him it's bollocks 

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Just now, mkowl said:

And totally agree that when I view stuff on Stalk that is misunderstood or downright wrong I go get frustrated that these mistruths become fact, are shared around other social media sites as gospel and are then used as fact against Chansiri.

Sorry to raise this but....Same MO as the antiBrexit Mob

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11 minutes ago, Andyben said:

Sorry to raise this but....Same MO as the antiBrexit Mob

Well yep why I don't use X for political shit if I can avoid it and never used Facebook other than for local stuff and Dull Mens Club.

Why I defend this place and how it works 

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I’d tend to agree that the facts of D.C. ownership  have been so misconstrued in recent times and such a frenzy has been reached it’s hard to apply rational thought over what has happened! 

I agree with the Brexit hill debate hint if am honest.

I have settled happily with rationale that the successes of “smaller clubs” have in part come about due to lesser pressure from pent up expectation whilst the success of “larger clubs” have come about due to significant funds spent on a gamble that paid off!

I 100% know D.C. has made big mistakes - I’ve settled on 3 .. a) not selling players b) cocking up the sale of the ground c) the stupid outburst this season re 2 million

The rest have been run of mill management of the club errors some by our own making some by others. 
The worst falsehood is the idea that the North as the owners name because he’s arrogant (he maybe) but it was done to justify extra investment just like D Taxi!




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That was from Maguire's little summary, again a little bit of information and fuck all comprehension (but enough about Maguire) but that was the accumulated losses - not erm debt.

And no one actually fathoms that it's the owners money - which he could convert to equity if he wanted.

Oh wait that is what St Mandaric did to leave us debt free

Oh no wait that was also Chansiri putting in money to pay off the secured debts that Mandaric had used to fund the club

Oh we have secured debt now that Chansiri once explained was a legacy liability from the Mandaric era. There is no way of verifying that either way from the accounts 



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15 minutes ago, mkowl said:

Oh we have secured debt now that Chansiri once explained was a legacy liability from the Mandaric era. There is no way of verifying that either way from the accounts 

There is if you trace it all the way through from MM period and counter check in companies house as I did  but will not be doing again....

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22 hours ago, Tewksbury said:

I've said before, it was on DM not being able or willing to stick to the 433/4231. All of ourrecruitment was for it, DM didn't use it.

Basically he went all in on Gregory in the first season, he couldn't play alone up front so we went 2 up, Bannan couldn't play in a 2, so 352 became the formation. We slowed play down as that suited Bannan and Gregory, playing up to feet through Gregory in the D as our main attacking play.

So all the wingers and young players just sat on the bench or had a pop at WB.

As for DM going, why would you plan for a manager who had just triggered an extension, well into the off-season, who was the 16th longest serving to play silly buggers and force  his departure?

Let's be honest, DM thought he was going to WBA but Corboran to Leeds fell through the day he officially left us.

I've said about why our recruitment was why it was,however, what we lacked, pace and youth, we got.

The one thing that I don't get about Wednesday fans is the 'we need to develop youth and sell it on' then go mental when the young player actually needs development. If they're not amazing every game, it's back to the National league for you, boy. They're supposed to be a bit shit. You make them better and sell them then. If they were already great, they wouldn't be here.

We aren't the pull we were last year, were a small fish in a large pond where the opposite was true last year.

To be fair the smartest clubs always have a contingency plan if a manager who’s doing well gets poached/leaves. or if a key player is sold. We can definitely improve at this.

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2 minutes ago, Beaconowl said:

Sorry to come across as an old ignorant git, but to help me keep up with you youngsters, can you tell me what does the 'Z' stand for after LOL?

I mean, I'd love to Beacon, but I'm in my 50's so I'd have to ask my grandson to explain it to me. 😂

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On 12/02/2024 at 09:03, mkowl said:

The one thing it proves is we have / had no plan when it comes to recruitment. And you simply have to put that at the door of the owner and his advisors - we are perhaps seeing green lights of a change in tack thankfully.

The problem is this should have been done in League 1, again like the recruitment post the Hull play off the reasons for the approach I understand but that short termism killed us.

In terms of what Chansiri wants for the Club does he really believe a 3rd party would fully compensate him for some piss poor decisions. 

At the same time the capital investment, or lack thereof, would need to be factored into any 3rd party investor cash flows. Can any of the Chansiri supporters on here defend that part of his running of the Club. People have raised why players are hard to recruit, I suspect part of the answer is the relative poor state of training facilities, our track record on injuries and recovery are all pertinent. The fact that wages are known to have been paid late in the past etc. The lure of playing for Sheffield Wednesday isn't sparking innit


Don't overlook the lure of free tennis balls.  

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8 hours ago, mkowl said:


Just wondering when we get the new stadium at Donny Airport it will look like this. Think of all the commercial revenues there 





That abomination, in a place with less culture than my fridge, should never be posted on here. A place where retards gather to discuss their prem teams. Knobhead.

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2 hours ago, Reesh said:



That abomination, in a place with less culture than my fridge, should never be posted on here. A place where retards gather to discuss their prem teams. Knobhead.

As will you be from the Boris Johnson Memorial Stadium 

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