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Cameron Dawson

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I'm sure I'm very much in the minority here, but I'd give him another go in our first team.

I think his experience this season will have done him the world of good and if we don't sign an obviously better quality keeper in the summer he should be given the opportunity to show what he can do with the team he supports. If it doesn't look like it's working out we'd have to try and sell him and recruit someone better.

I fear however that the first mistake he makes would result in our support getting on his back and ruining whatever confidence he's developed this season.

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51 minutes ago, OptimisticOwl said:

I'm sure I'm very much in the minority here, but I'd give him another go in our first team.

I think his experience this season will have done him the world of good and if we don't sign an obviously better quality keeper in the summer he should be given the opportunity to show what he can do with the team he supports. If it doesn't look like it's working out we'd have to try and sell him and recruit someone better.

I fear however that the first mistake he makes would result in our support getting on his back and ruining whatever confidence he's developed this season.

Your last paragraph is exactly the reason we shouldn’t give him another chance IMO, for both ours and his sakes. 

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1 hour ago, LiamOwl said:

Your last paragraph is exactly the reason we shouldn’t give him another chance IMO, for both ours and his sakes. 


You're probably right. It's a sad fact that football fans the world over often make their minds up about a player and won't/can't change it. It can be done, but it's the exception, rather than the rule.

Assuming he goes, I just hope we get a decent fee for him and replace him with an upgrade.

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1 hour ago, MPB said:

He's a very poor keeper....very poor.....the one we've got scares the bejaysus out of me n'all .....ideal scenario is we pick up an experienced keeper with some top end Championship, maybe a smidge of Prem experience and we let BPF go.....let Dawson go and keep Wildsmith as backup and blood a young 3rd keeper...

Personally think Wildsmith is also on his way out the club as well with the other keepers stepping up.

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Just now, Owling_Wolf said:

So no chance of improvement then, even whilst he's been away from what must be a damaging, hostile environment?

Oh there is no doubt he has improved, he's gone from utterly shite to slightly less shite

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people seem to think they are both young lads that need to be given a chance

they are both 26 and have been given so many chances to make the position their own and never taken it

like Reesh says Wildsmith needs to leave and try to prove he can be a decent keeper somewhere else

it's like someone at 26 still living at home that needs to get out into the real world

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Both Wildsmith and Dawson wouldn't have problems finding new clubs at L1 standard or below so they need to go while that window of opportunity is there. 

But neither of them are regular championship standard and that's what we need to find, regardless of which division we're in next season. We need to find a 22/23 version of the 14/15 Westwood. 

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1 minute ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

Are they? What are the basics he struggles with? I've always found his footwork, positioning and agility to be his stronger skills (those are basics for me). It's his confidence, decision making and commanding of his area which have been his weak points, the latter 2 are influenced by his lack of confidence which was directly affected by those that had a weird love in for Westwood or didn't like ginger people

I think we can all agree that his year at Exeter has been good for him, I think he's better off away from here but what I will maintain is he is better than Wildsmith, much better and the next 8 - 10 years will prove that to be the case

His positioning is poor, hence he then palms the fucking ball back into the danger zone, his handling and shot stopping is very suspect or was when I last saw him play for us.


Weird love in for Westwood? best keeper we've had in 40 year

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Westwood rarely palmed it back into the middle, that was a Dawson regular occurrence. I think the reason both Dawson and Wildsmith didn't get as much "support" was that fans could see that Westwood was being left out at their expense for not footballing reasons and cos of that we were losing points!

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Did Dawson play in Jos’ first game?

I think it was him in goal. A threadbare squad. A squad low on confidence. A trip to Bramhall Lane dreading a heavy loss. Penalty in first 10 minutes: gonna be a long night. But he saves it, we draw 0-0, nearly nicking a winner. 

I regard him with positivity for that match alone.

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1 minute ago, M42Owl said:

Did Dawson play in Jos’ first game?

I think it was him in goal. A threadbare squad. A squad low on confidence. A trip to Bramhall Lane dreading a heavy loss. Penalty in first 10 minutes: gonna be a long night. But he saves it, we draw 0-0, nearly nicking a winner. 

I regard him with positivity for that match alone.

No it was Joe in the net that night, he saved a header at their end. Think that was the night Reach nearly won it late it.


Dawson played the following season, saved the pen from McGoldrick on 14th mins.

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1 minute ago, Reesh said:

No it was Joe in the net that night, he saved a header at their end. Think that was the night Reach nearly won it late it.


Dawson played the following season, saved the pen from McGoldrick on 14th mins.

Yeah, I’m mixing the two games. Both 0-0 and both with the Pigs bigging up a massacre. Loosens was sent off in one of them.
Isolated games perhaps, but both keepers did well in those games.

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Both Wildsmith and Dawson aren't good enough 4 where we want 2b, and same can be said of BPF, although he's the lesser of two evils if only because he's a bit more of a physical presence. He frightens me to death and I feel he's an accident waiting to happen, and past few games you can see some of defence had a right go at him..... With justification 

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30 minutes ago, Reesh said:

Think that was the night Reach nearly won it late it.

That was when the Utd goalkeeper played dead for 5 seconds, Reach melted one towards the top corner and the **** miraculously recovered, tipped it over the bar and died again 😡

1 hour ago, Tylluan said:

We need to find a 22/23 version of the 14/15 Westwood. 

Karl Darlow?

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I don’t mind BPF, but, he suffers from the same issues as JW and CD in that he will is prone to a rick, that leads to a goal. That boils down to concentration levels that.

JW and CD are probably league one level at best, BPF is a L1/Championship keeper. I do agree with the sentiments though, it would be good to try and get in an experienced proven Championship keeper next season similar to the deals we did for Kirkland and Westwood. It’s doable too because squads will shrink next season so they will be out there to sign.

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If we manage to get promoted both Fraser Forster and Alex McCarthy are out of contract at Southampton at end of season.

I can’t see a future for Dawson or Wildsmith at Wednesday. Dawson seems to have done well at Exeter but too much water under bridge for him here. Wildsmith has had a few years to put his case but is no further forward now than he was under Carlos.

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13 minutes ago, EastCraigsOwl said:

Forster doesn't look anywhere near as good as he was a few years back.

Absolutely huge, daunting figure who made the goals appear tiny. He's lost something now though.

Still better than Matt Ryan though.

He was excellent yesterday despite having 6 put past him. 

I refuse to have another Aussie Keeper, I still have nightmares about Bad* Jones

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Genuinely baffled people are writing Dawson off. I appreciate his time up to now has been mixed, but he's gone to a team that didn't even make the L2 playoffs last season and played a huge role in them being in the box seat for automatic promotion. Apparently he's one of the favourites for their player of the season award.

Appreciate it might be different if we get promoted, but if we're still in league 1 I'd rather give him a go than pay whatever the fuck we're paying for BPF who is absolutely no better than Dawson.

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I’d like to see us give Dawson another chance seeing as he seems to be doing so well at Exeter, but I can’t see how we can.

With BPF and Wildsmith likely to be off we’re left with Dawson and the youngsters. So we need to bring in a keeper. If we bring in someone as no. 2 to Dawson and Dawson struggles, we’re in big trouble. Bring in a quality keeper then Dawson has to be relegated to the Wildsmith role. 
So we might as well sell Dawson for what we can get, but with a good sell on clause, and bring in two new keepers.

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5 hours ago, Morley Owl said:

If we manage to get promoted both Fraser Forster and Alex McCarthy are out of contract at Southampton at end of season.

McCarthy has struggled with injury niggles all season which is why Forster has been first choice. Forster will be offered a new deal at Southampton but as back up. They're still deciding on McCarthy. 

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In recent years we have had some very dodgy keepers turn out for us because we were unprepared and scrambling around at last minute.

Brad Jones, Chris Adamson (who I seem to recall was released before we re-signed him for reasons best known to ourselves), Ola Tidman, and O’Donell. 

At the end of this season we need to sign a reliable keeper who will still be here in 3 or so years. We can do it and have in a few instances with Lucas, Grant and kirkland

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7 minutes ago, Morley Owl said:

In recent years we have had some very dodgy keepers turn out for us because we were unprepared and scrambling around at last minute.

Brad Jones, Chris Adamson (who I seem to recall was released before we re-signed him for reasons best known to ourselves), Ola Tidman, and O’Donell. 

ROD came through our youth system and made 15 appearances in 6 years for us. He made a decent career for himself after leaving us. He's that era's Dawson and Wildsmith. I've a lot of time for him. He's always got one piece of Wednesday kit on whoever he plays for.

Edited by Tylluan
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1 minute ago, Tylluan said:

ROD came through our youth system and had made a decent career for himself after leaving us. He's that era's Dawson and Wildsmith

Yes I believe I was probably unfair linking O’Donell to that lot when typing. 
At that time I believe he was around Weaver and Jameson, before Bywater arrived

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16 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

ROD came through our youth system and made 15 appearances in 6 years for us. He made a decent career for himself after leaving us. He's that era's Dawson and Wildsmith. I've a lot of time for him. He's always got one piece of Wednesday kit on whoever he plays for.

Massive Wenzdi fan. 


Left due to broken promises and a certain member of the  coaching staff.

Edited by Andyben
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