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Playoffs what's best for us

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So we are feeling Playoffs is our most likely end of season position. Its most likely but not sorted yet.

Anyway, if we were to get promoted via the playoffs, weve done it before, what would be the best combination for us, ie play in the semi and then final?

Although it would be hard work I think we could overcome Wycombe in a s-f but they look least likely at the moment. I think we could probably beat Pboro over two legs as well, although Id feel happier if our defence was a bit tighter than it has been recently, ie back to the clean sheets. Bolton and Derby would be the two Id be a bit more unsure we could overcome at the moment, although Derby seems to be a bit more up and down at the moment. It looks very unlikely we will face the Dingles in a s-f given there points tally and the gap to 5th. They could also overhaul us but I think thats fairly unlikely now.

If we got a final with the Dingles it would seem like the most likely but could they falter against any of the other Playoff hopefuls. Bolton appear to have the best record against the Dingles (taking 4pts off them) and Derby were walloped by them recently in the league although Derby did knock them out of the cup 3-0 so could be a bit of harder one to call if Derby are on their game.

In some respects Id like to avoid the Dingles in the final given they have beaten us twice and Id be a bit concerned about the psychology on our players. I could see Bolton beating them but clearly they would probably need to win at home to stand a chance at Oakwell. The concern about us playing Bolton in the final would be they have recently played and won at Wembley and a few clubs that have got promoted from L1 in recent years have had done same. Having said that our experienced squad will not be too fazed by it.

I think the best scenario would be we play Pboro in the s-f and win and then beat Bolton in the final. Lets hope we get autos and dont face this shit again though!


Edited by Tank_Owl2,0
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It’s imperative that we try and avoid the playoffs.

I also see a scenario where if we get a bit of fortune tomorrow, and somehow nick a win on Saturday, it puts a huge amount of pressure on the two above us, regardless of what they do on Saturday.

There needs to be a little bit of doubt in Ipswich’s and Plymouths mind going into Saturday. If they both win tomorrow, then it’s as good as over.

I do not think we have enough in the tank for a playoff tilt unless we get more bodies back, and that means Windass, Wilkes, Famewo, James etc. And those that come back need to be as close to 100% as possible.

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On 22/04/2023 at 12:23, Tank_Owl2,0 said:

So we are feeling Playoffs is our most likely end of season position. Its most likely but not sorted yet.

Anyway, if we were to get promoted via the playoffs, weve done it before, what would be the best combination for us, ie play in the semi and then final?

Although it would be hard work I think we could overcome Wycombe in a s-f but they look least likely at the moment. I think we could probably beat Pboro over two legs as well, although Id feel happier if our defence was a bit tighter than it has been recently, ie back to the clean sheets. Bolton and Derby would be the two Id be a bit more unsure we could overcome at the moment, although Derby seems to be a bit more up and down at the moment. It looks very unlikely we will face the Dingles in a s-f given there points tally and the gap to 5th. They could also overhaul us but I think thats fairly unlikely now.

If we got a final with the Dingles it would seem like the most likely but could they falter against any of the other Playoff hopefuls. Bolton appear to have the best record against the Dingles (taking 4pts off them) and Derby were walloped by them recently in the league although Derby did knock them out of the cup 3-0 so could be a bit of harder one to call if Derby are on their game.

In some respects Id like to avoid the Dingles in the final given they have beaten us twice and Id be a bit concerned about the psychology on our players. I could see Bolton beating them but clearly they would probably need to win at home to stand a chance at Oakwell. The concern about us playing Bolton in the final would be they have recently played and won at Wembley and a few clubs that have got promoted from L1 in recent years have had done same. Having said that our experienced squad will not be too fazed by it.

I think the best scenario would be we play Pboro in the s-f and win and then beat Bolton in the final. Lets hope we get autos and dont face this shit again though!


Here he is West Yorks "Owl" chatting shit again.

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Inherited a shambles of a club?

He literally got us relegated (on the last day against Derby...) with an utterly insipid performance, then we wafted into the play offs last season and had two games v Sunderland which were carbon copies of how we've played towards the end of this season.

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2 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

I just hope when the playoffs start, the mithering fucktards just leave their shite behind for 180 mins and then 90 after that

Without everyone on the same page, we ain’t going anywhere.

probably best not to log on then @HoylandOwl


Can't see how me or anyone else moaning on here affects what that shower do on the pitch

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1 hour ago, Dronowl66 said:

It really wasn't insipid we were unlucky not to win that game and but for one mistake we were looking like knocking Sunderland out , points deduction aside we stay up , as for this season 90+ points and Ipswich and Plymouth being utterly extraordinary weve done ok its the timing of the defeats thats caused all the angst 

The problem with our Club is far too many fans accept mediocrity 

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23 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

The problem with our Club is far too many fans accept mediocrity 

I disagree with that. I think our fans have far loftier expectations than reality.

Even this generation of fans seem to think we should be knocking on the premier league door, and they turn on the team at the drop of a hat. It’s a horrible place to play when things are not going well.

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4 minutes ago, KrolMong said:

I disagree with that. I think our fans have far loftier expectations than reality.

Even this generation of fans seem to think we should be knocking on the premier league door, and they turn on the team at the drop of a hat. It’s a horrible place to play when things are not going well.

Well its probably a combination of both - some accept mediocrity and excuse the owner, manager and players come what may and if you are not beating the drum the same as them you are not a real fan 

At the other extreme you have folk who have the mis-guided presumption we are a big club and should be in the Premier league because of our history

It is 25 years of crap basically, financially mis-managed by a string of owners, the one time we get an owner with funds he makes a complete dogs dinner of it. Lets not pretend otherwise. 

Until the root cause is addressed, then frankly we are going nowhere. We may still get promoted this year but realistically what is the likelihood of us even being mid table the step above, before another relegation scrap and inevitable descent to League 1 anyway 

That is not being pessimistic simply realistic, the Club is built on sand 

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On 27/04/2023 at 17:29, Andyben said:

Me. "Bannan is wank"

So if we don't go up its my fault 

Not that he's wank?

There's other players you could try omitting before Bannan.

Any half decent player gets the "he's shit line, get him gone" whilst happy to have Athertons in the team

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5 hours ago, Ozzie said:

There's other players you could try omitting before Bannan.

Any half decent player gets the "he's shit line, get him gone" whilst happy to have Athertons in the team

Who honestly admits to liking Atherton. 


FWIW, Bannan is technically a quality player however I can't help feeling underwhelmed by his 8 years with us, our best season football style wise was when he played on the left side in 15/16.

His stats in Lg1 look great but for a lad tipped to have a career higher up I'm not convinced.

If I had to pick a post PL midfield he doesn't get in,  Whelan, Brunt, Lee and at a push Ben Marshall

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When you look at Bannan under Carlos in that first season.

Inside him he had, Lee, Hutch, Lopez and Wallace. Up top he had Forestieri and Hooper, plus Nuhiu and Joao.

In that team, he had a specific role but Carlos made that team interchangeable, so Bannan could come inside from that left flank.

When Carlos left, every manager we had thought Bannan could play in central midfield, but that was borne out of the fact that the options around him had weakened. Hutch could no longer do it in there. Lee was injured, the subsequent players that came in were just poor.

Moore is the first manager to use him right. He recognized the fact that you need to give him the ability to play higher up the pitch, so we go to a three in midfield with Luongo and Byers last season and Vaulks and Byers this season and we take the shackles of Bannan and tell him to get on the ball in the final third. Bannan is expected to keep shape and drop to the left of that three, but when we have the ball, Byers and Vaulks move central and allow Bannan to follow the ball.

Now, in terms of players from 30 yards out, there’s not many better in the division. His one and two touch is very good, his weight of pass, his mobility and ability to get out of tight spaces. It’s very good. However, because we are missing Byers, he’s now having to play more central again purely because the other three are currently not good enough to play at this level. Byers is even more important than Vaulks in this system, but, we are never going to get a full season out of him.

Windass is equally important, and I said it that had he been fit last season, we’d have won the league. A player with Bannans range of passing needs runners to hit, and without Windass or Wilks, or indeed midfield runners, he’s basically having to thread an eye of the needle pass to a forward or, drop something on Gregory, Pato’s or Smiths head from a left of central position, especially if Johnson and Palmer are going past people.

Bannan is a very unique player in that he’s between a 10 and an 11 in terms of his best position.

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8 hours ago, Reesh said:

Who honestly admits to liking Atherton. 


FWIW, Bannan is technically a quality player however I can't help feeling underwhelmed by his 8 years with us, our best season football style wise was when he played on the left side in 15/16.

His stats in Lg1 look great but for a lad tipped to have a career higher up I'm not convinced.

If I had to pick a post PL midfield he doesn't get in,  Whelan, Brunt, Lee and at a push Ben Marshall

I’d swap Marshall for Antonio, but, agree with the other three. I don’t think people realise how good Brunt and Whelan were. Put them in that Carlos team, and we get promoted in the second season.

People love Hutch, Whelan was twice the player. He could do everything that Hutch could do, but had a great range of passing and he could score goals.

Brunt was a 5-10 and 15 player. He’s going to get you 5-10 goals a season, and 15 assists. Imagine him being able to aim at the likes of Nuhiu, Joao, Hooper and Fletcher.

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1 hour ago, KrolMong said:

When you look at Bannan under Carlos in that first season.

Inside him he had, Lee, Hutch, Lopez and Wallace. Up top he had Forestieri and Hooper, plus Nuhiu and Joao.

In that team, he had a specific role but Carlos made that team interchangeable, so Bannan could come inside from that left flank.

When Carlos left, every manager we had thought Bannan could play in central midfield, but that was borne out of the fact that the options around him had weakened. Hutch could no longer do it in there. Lee was injured, the subsequent players that came in were just poor.

Moore is the first manager to use him right. He recognized the fact that you need to give him the ability to play higher up the pitch, so we go to a three in midfield with Luongo and Byers last season and Vaulks and Byers this season and we take the shackles of Bannan and tell him to get on the ball in the final third. Bannan is expected to keep shape and drop to the left of that three, but when we have the ball, Byers and Vaulks move central and allow Bannan to follow the ball.

Now, in terms of players from 30 yards out, there’s not many better in the division. His one and two touch is very good, his weight of pass, his mobility and ability to get out of tight spaces. It’s very good. However, because we are missing Byers, he’s now having to play more central again purely because the other three are currently not good enough to play at this level. Byers is even more important than Vaulks in this system, but, we are never going to get a full season out of him.

Windass is equally important, and I said it that had he been fit last season, we’d have won the league. A player with Bannans range of passing needs runners to hit, and without Windass or Wilks, or indeed midfield runners, he’s basically having to thread an eye of the needle pass to a forward or, drop something on Gregory, Pato’s or Smiths head from a left of central position, especially if Johnson and Palmer are going past people.

Bannan is a very unique player in that he’s between a 10 and an 11 in terms of his best position.



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On 29/04/2023 at 19:58, KrolMong said:

When you look at Bannan under Carlos in that first season.

Inside him he had, Lee, Hutch, Lopez and Wallace. Up top he had Forestieri and Hooper, plus Nuhiu and Joao.

In that team, he had a specific role but Carlos made that team interchangeable, so Bannan could come inside from that left flank.

When Carlos left, every manager we had thought Bannan could play in central midfield, but that was borne out of the fact that the options around him had weakened. Hutch could no longer do it in there. Lee was injured, the subsequent players that came in were just poor.

Moore is the first manager to use him right. He recognized the fact that you need to give him the ability to play higher up the pitch, so we go to a three in midfield with Luongo and Byers last season and Vaulks and Byers this season and we take the shackles of Bannan and tell him to get on the ball in the final third. Bannan is expected to keep shape and drop to the left of that three, but when we have the ball, Byers and Vaulks move central and allow Bannan to follow the ball.

Now, in terms of players from 30 yards out, there’s not many better in the division. His one and two touch is very good, his weight of pass, his mobility and ability to get out of tight spaces. It’s very good. However, because we are missing Byers, he’s now having to play more central again purely because the other three are currently not good enough to play at this level. Byers is even more important than Vaulks in this system, but, we are never going to get a full season out of him.

Windass is equally important, and I said it that had he been fit last season, we’d have won the league. A player with Bannans range of passing needs runners to hit, and without Windass or Wilks, or indeed midfield runners, he’s basically having to thread an eye of the needle pass to a forward or, drop something on Gregory, Pato’s or Smiths head from a left of central position, especially if Johnson and Palmer are going past people.

Bannan is a very unique player in that he’s between a 10 and an 11 in terms of his best position.

There's also Daniel Pudil who was outstanding as a full back in that first season. The number of times where he knew when to make a forward run to help Bannan play the ball forward to him was a lot. However, Pudil was part of arguably our best back 4 since the PL days (Hunt, Lees, Loovens, Pudil). 

If we continued to have a solid attack minded full back, Bannan would have probably stayed in that position. Carlos thought he had that in Adam Reach but he was never ever an attack minded full back, he was either a left winger or a wing back (where he was fantastic with Preston on loan there). Morgan Fox was never an attack minded full back either. Hence, he then moved Bannan to a central midfield role to accommodate

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