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Sheffield Wednesday? Who are they? The fuck me, it's getting seriously too unfunny for jokes anymore, Moore out match thread because it's going to be Derby that spoils OUR party last game at this rate. Or summat

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Still on an unbeaten run but this is going to be my last either way.


Can't be arsed to see which ref will be wank on the day and give us nowt and them everything.


I'll leave it to Hoyland to post the jokey training videos and Moore's shity, banal, wank excuses as to why he's single handedly managed to fuck up games and GD in hand over this past fortnight.


What's Dave Jones up these days?



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The irony is this was entirely predictable. I readily accept my tag of being a miserable bastard but at least my views are based on empirical evidence not false or even deluded optimism.

Can we scuttle HMS PTL once and for all. 

Can we lose the pretence we are a big club

Can we accept that in reality we are a poorly run Club, saddled with a piss poor owner that has no concept of how to instigate a long term sustainable playing side. You reap what you sew

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I was pissed off yesterday post the game. No doubt, but I can’t let it spoil anything more than the hour or so after the game anymore.

It’s absolutely wank what we’ve done in the last month. Imagine how much we’d be laughing if it was those down the road, they’ll be besides themselves right now, as well as those mini pigs in Toytown too. 

But these things come back around to bite them too, eventually. 

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Woke up this morning and thought fuck it. Regardless of the result on Monday I'd be telling Danny Cowley he's got 5 games, probably 8, to make the job permanently his. 

The squad is on its knees but those being picked are also too comfortable. Moore will dick about with rotation but won't change formation or style. It needs something we haven't got at the moment and that won't come from what we have.

This is where a Director of Football is needed but we haven't got one so I'm just living with a mean and nasty mood until it gives way to the abject apathy of losing the away leg in the playoff semi. 

Edited by Tylluan
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10 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

Won’t happen buddy, and IMO the majority of our fans wouldn’t want him anyway. Or would they right now?

They'd change their tune if we're abject against Accrington because whatever the "fans have to stay with us" bollocks that comes out of the pre match pressers the atmosphere on Monday will cut them to shreds. 

Cowley, Dean Smith, Neil Critchley, fuck it even Shez or Gary Megson. 

Just someone (available) who'll come in and kick arses and shake things up so we don't sleepwalk into the end of the season. 

After Lincoln I'd have given Warnock (if he was still available) his million if it meant going up automatically. 

Teams know that even if they go 1-0 down early they're still in it so don't panic that they're playing us. Nobody is scared anymore (were they ever?) Burton mugged Barnsley and will look to do the same. Barton will set Rovers up to get in our faces. Exeter were the better team against Bolton and are a confident team. 

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Saturday morning hangover 

look at league table 😡😡

look on Twitter see endless clips of not a penalty and endless clips of bannans goal also Brayford making a world class save for Burton 😂😂 shit refs 😡😡😡

throw retro shirt into wash bin in disgust missis asks what’s up 😡😡

look at league table again 😡😡 still third

log onto here read match thread title 😂😂

checks league table again 😡😡

I’m goooin shopping fuck it. See ya Monday thanks for spoiling my bank holiday weekend even though I said it wouldn’t 😡😡😡

Play offs can fuck off and feel sorry for mi mate that’s flying from Dubai just for the Derby Game 😩😩😩

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4 hours ago, Tylluan said:

Woke up this morning and thought fuck it. Regardless of the result on Monday I'd be telling Danny Cowley he's got 5 games, probably 8, to make the job permanently his. 

The squad is on its knees but those being picked are also too comfortable. Moore will dick about with rotation but won't change formation or style. It needs something we haven't got at the moment and that won't come from what we have.

This is where a Director of Football is needed but we haven't got one so I'm just living with a mean and nasty mood until it gives way to the abject apathy of losing the away leg in the playoff semi. 

Crikey. That's a right post.

Warnock would have come in 6 matches ago and probably have got us promoted. But I wouldn't be there to see it. I'd rather stay in League 1.

I think 5 wins might not do it so what's point in bringing someone in now. 

Conversely Moore will go at end if we don't go up anyway so......

But it won't happen. 

The players are good enough but we are woefully short of pace and athleticism and thst can't be sorted until the summer. 

Regardless of what division we're in, massive rebuild needed

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2 hours ago, Mark said:

The players are good enough but we are woefully short of pace and athleticism and thst can't be sorted until the summer. 

Regardless of what division we're in, massive rebuild needed

This is what totally does my head in at the moment with Moore. 

A blind man and his dog (and more importantly opposition managers) can see that our legs go after 50-60 minutes. That's because of the style of play that our way of playing 3-5-2 demands. 

So why can't a professional coaching team recognise that and adjust accordingly, instead of saying after every game "I thought we did enough to win it."

If we did enough to win it then we'd have won it, Darren.  I don't want the sound bites, I want you to earn your money and recognise that the players can't give you what you want/expect so change it so they can. 

If that means changing formation, being as boring as fuck but solid and then bursting from 70 mins, playing the kids, or whatever else is needed I don't care but to just not try anything different is not doing your job.

John Coleman will know we'll line up 3-5-2 Monday. He'll be able to name 7 or 8 of the starting 11 and have a guess at the others  (Dawson or Stockdale, Smith or Gregory, anyone of 4 in Byers position) He'll be able to name at least 3 of our bench and when he sees the subs he'll know exactly who'll come on and who won't and around what time they'll come on) This is our problem now. Our predictability.

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14 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

This is what totally does my head in at the moment with Moore. 

A blind man and his dog (and more importantly opposition managers) can see that our legs go after 50-60 minutes. That's because of the style of play that our way of playing 3-5-2 demands. 

So why can't a professional coaching team recognise that and adjust accordingly, instead of saying after every game "I thought we did enough to win it."

If we did enough to win it then we'd have won it, Darren.  I don't want the sound bites, I want you to earn your money and recognise that the players can't give you what you want/expect so change it so they can. 

If that means changing formation, being as boring as fuck but solid and then bursting from 70 mins, playing the kids, or whatever else is needed I don't care but to just not try anything different is not doing your job.

John Coleman will know we'll line up 3-5-2 Monday. He'll be able to name 7 or 8 of the starting 11 and have a guess at the others  (Dawson or Stockdale, Smith or Gregory, anyone of 4 in Byers position) He'll be able to name at least 3 of our bench and when he sees the subs he'll know exactly who'll come on and who won't and around what time they'll come on) This is our problem now. Our predictability.

Not disagreeing with the gist of this but we played 4-4-2 yesterday didn’t we?

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1 hour ago, Tylluan said:

This is what totally does my head in at the moment with Moore. 

A blind man and his dog (and more importantly opposition managers) can see that our legs go after 50-60 minutes. That's because of the style of play that our way of playing 3-5-2 demands. 

So why can't a professional coaching team recognise that and adjust accordingly, instead of saying after every game "I thought we did enough to win it."

If we did enough to win it then we'd have won it, Darren.  I don't want the sound bites, I want you to earn your money and recognise that the players can't give you what you want/expect so change it so they can. 

If that means changing formation, being as boring as fuck but solid and then bursting from 70 mins, playing the kids, or whatever else is needed I don't care but to just not try anything different is not doing your job.

John Coleman will know we'll line up 3-5-2 Monday. He'll be able to name 7 or 8 of the starting 11 and have a guess at the others  (Dawson or Stockdale, Smith or Gregory, anyone of 4 in Byers position) He'll be able to name at least 3 of our bench and when he sees the subs he'll know exactly who'll come on and who won't and around what time they'll come on) This is our problem now. Our predictability.

I'm at a loss as to what he can do with the players currently fit. It'd not working as it is so has to try something different but I doubt he will. If Smith fit, I suspect not, let's go all out ale house get it wide get crosses in. Marv and, daft as sounds Bannan out wide, 2 graters in middle, Vaulks and whoever you want alongside. 4 at back with either James or Palmer at LB, and while Iorfa is bit of car crash, as an out and out RB not many will out run him. He's no RWB as not enough quality. 

It's far from ideal, but lack of the needed recruitment means we have to make do. Try and enforce the positive. What is it 2 defeats in 28?



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2 hours ago, Tylluan said:

John Coleman will know we'll line up 3-5-2 Monday. He'll be able to name 7 or 8 of the starting 11 and have a guess at the others  (Dawson or Stockdale, Smith or Gregory, anyone of 4 in Byers position) He'll be able to name at least 3 of our bench and when he sees the subs he'll know exactly who'll come on and who won't and around what time they'll come on) This is our problem now. Our predictability.

He’ll also be telling his players to have a pop from distance as well if he’s any sense, with his strikers told to follow up for any rebound off the keeper! 

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2 hours ago, Chelters said:

Not disagreeing with the gist of this but we played 4-4-2 yesterday didn’t we?

I hope we did, but it absolutely proved that it doesn't work if Bannan is only 1 of 2 in the centre.

Gets me that they spotted the way to get thru us. The ruddy co-commentator spotted it. Moore and the analysts either didn't or chose to ignore it 

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35 minutes ago, mkowlthesexynewversion said:

I hope we did, but it absolutely proved that it doesn't work if Bannan is only 1 of 2 in the centre.

Gets me that they spotted the way to get thru us. The ruddy co-commentator spotted it. Moore and the analysts either didn't or chose to ignore it 

Dunno thought maybe the past 5 years had sorta proved that already 

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Officials for Monday

Assistants: Ravel Cheosiaua and Paul Newhouse
Fourth Official : Jacob Lehane

32 games - 104 yellow cards - 4 red cards for Mr Reeves. 

His last game he officiated us in....

Our 2-0 win over Sunderland in the League Cup back in August. 

Head to head record v Stanley 

2 wins for us, 1 draw. 

Last time out v Stanley....



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8 hours ago, Mark said:


Warnock would have come in 6 matches ago and probably have got us promoted. But I wouldn't be there to see it. I'd rather stay in League 1.


Can't stand Warnock, but rather stay in L1? 3rd time we've been in this division and it gets shitter every time. I'd have Warnock manager, Tony Currie doing the half time borefest and Sean Bean pom pom dancing in front of the kop if it meant we never had to play in this shithole of a division ever again 

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11 hours ago, Gleadless Owl said:

Can't stand Warnock, but rather stay in L1? 3rd time we've been in this division and it gets shitter every time. I'd have Warnock manager, Tony Currie doing the half time borefest and Sean Bean pom pom dancing in front of the kop if it meant we never had to play in this shithole of a division ever again 

4th time, Shirley?   Promoted under Big Jack, Luggy, Meggo / Dave Jones & back here again now. 

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Warnock has managed too many clubs since them and is only motivated by money now. He's on £1.5m if he keeps Huddersfield up. 

Warnock has also said many times that he owes them nothing after the way his leaving went and the fallout with both board and fans

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13 hours ago, Gleadless Owl said:

Can't stand Warnock, but rather stay in L1? 3rd time we've been in this division and it gets shitter every time. I'd have Warnock manager, Tony Currie doing the half time borefest and Sean Bean pom pom dancing in front of the kop if it meant we never had to play in this shithole of a division ever again 

That's fair enough, I get that.

But for me as small minded as it is I'd rather stay where we are than have any of that lot involved. Thankfully I won't be put in that position 


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Well another crucial day. 

Will our unbeaten run continue - need to cling on to a touch of positivity. 

Will DM let us go for it against the mighty Accrington. 

Another set back and it could be toxic down at S6. 

I would be asking the players if they want to be off to Dubai on 9th May or in for more training or a bit more volume.

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