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Accounts …… Looking healthier!

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Yeah it’s all pretty much as you were. Still a bit tricky to figure out the ins and outs in relation to rent, deferred consideration on stadium sale and other transactions with DC but that would be the same in any similar set of accounts. 

I would say that anyone finding anything to get excited about in these is doing it because they want to, not because there is genuinely anything to be too negative about. 

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9 minutes ago, lobster said:

Auditors a  bit strange,  refer to themselves as " a holistic business advisory firm " , seems more about selling finance and finincial advice rather than accounting

New breed of accountants who will avoid the term ‘accountant’ like the plague so they can be down with the hipsters.

As opposed to the more traditional sort like me and mk who have been doing it far too long to be impressed with that sort of nonsense. 

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Read most of it, a reduction in losses so that must be a good thing, it's up to July 2023 so with increased attendances this season losses should reduce further even if paying more money out in wages, I guess extra revenue from sky for increase of live games should help that. 

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20 minutes ago, Chelters said:

New breed of accountants who will avoid the term ‘accountant’ like the plague so they can be down with the hipsters.

As opposed to the more traditional sort like me and mk who have been doing it far too long to be impressed with that sort of nonsense. 

Come across a few in my time but they never seem to last , allways looking for the next big deal that never quite comes off

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I notice that there's a few comments flying around about DC was 'lying' when he said the club was losing £2m a month....

So.... For those interested.. he actually said in his club statement. 


I am the one who saved the club and spent the money for the club, I am the one who needs to pay around £2m on average every month.

So, no mention on the club losing £2m a month, just he was putting in around that much. Semantics maybe.. But he definitely didn't say the club was losing that much per month.

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44 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

So, no mention on the club losing £2m a month, just he was putting in around that much. Semantics maybe.. But he definitely didn't say the club was losing that much per month.

This is because folk don't understand the difference between cash and profits/losses.

Not saying the average person should btw but it'd help if they keep their gobs shut if they have no actual understanding of these things.

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Some interesting asides

1) The club submitted and got a refund for R and D Tac credits. Always intrigued what that would constitute, and HMRC are currently reviewing some historical ones that a few sharks that operate in this arena. 

2) The accounts are a little more transparent, the auditors may be holistic but tbf seem yo know what they are doing

3) The inter Co loan for the stadium sale is now fully paid by Sheffield 3

4) presume so numpties will state that DC has reduced his shareholder loan by 5m. Be good to see the Sheffield 3 accounts to see what is arising there

5) the accounts have been submitted 2 months ahead of the due date

6) it is referred the historic loan facility was re-financed in Sept, debunking the myth that this is increasing by 6m per season

7) Cash outflow from day to day operations was 10m. So that is just short of 1m per month. 

the historic tax debt substantialby reduced. Looking at the disclosure it indicates this was PAYE not VAT.

Nothing in there suggests why DC was demanding monies ie the 2m from the fans 


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1 minute ago, mkowl said:

Nothing in there suggests why DC was demanding monies ie the 2m from the fans 

I think he was trying to make a point.  Misguided, but he must be fucking sick of the criticism every day 

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57 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

I notice that there's a few comments flying around about DC was 'lying' when he said the club was losing £2m a month....

So.... For those interested.. he actually said in his club statement. 

So, no mention on the club losing £2m a month, just he was putting in around that much. Semantics maybe.. But he definitely didn't say the club was losing that much per month.

I mean it may have increased after July with us back in the Championship. He may add in the sponsorship monies on top of the cash. He may include money he puts into Sheffield 3 

Simply not enough detailed info to make absolute conclusions on this

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1 minute ago, Skamp said:

I think he was trying to make a point.  Misguided, but he must be fucking sick of the criticism every day 

No I did ponder whether it was tax debt but these accounts suggest we were effectively up to date on that score.

As you say more toy throwing 

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13 minutes ago, mkowl said:

it is referred the historic loan facility was re-financed in Sept, debunking the myth that this is increasing by 6m per season

Three years after explaining this on here...

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In the context that it’s almost impossible to not make a loss without a hefty player sale each season that’s not bad. Similar levels to when Milan took over if his rant about 5m losses was correct. 

Adds to the clean bill of health on P&S over the next three years but it will be interesting to see what our costs are this season in comparison as that will answer a lot of questions on where we stand and whether DC is covering the full permitted losses which id assume he must be 

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The irony that the 1867 lot moan about Rohl not being supported in the transfer window, then still moan that we made a loss last year. 

With this financial acumen they really should work for one of the top 4 accountancy firms 


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10 minutes ago, Reesh said:

How so?

Isn't Leeds Rhino's where Hemmingham and his bum chums ended up playing their little instruments? Seems a coincidence there's all these Wednesday "fans" all ending up there...

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Just now, Otto_Man said:

Isn't Leeds Rhino's where Hemmingham and his bum chums ended up playing their little instruments? Seems a coincidence there's all these Wednesday "fans" all ending up there...

Hemmingham ended up at Leeds but they do follow Leeds Rhinos

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55 minutes ago, Reesh said:

One appears to be Rob Oldfield, a computer artist and walking heart attack.


I called him out on X about stop whining and get finding an investor. 

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I’m still trying to get my head round criticising DC for not splashing the cash, complaining that we are making a loss, saying ticket prices are too high, and moaning about being ‘in debt’.

Please make it make sense.

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2 minutes ago, Chelters said:

I’m still trying to get my head round criticising DC for not splashing the cash, complaining that we are making a loss, saying ticket prices are too high, and moaning about being ‘in debt’.

Please make it make sense.

Tbh it's like talking to some of my clients ! 

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Apparently Rotherhams accounts were released recently and their income increased from 10m to 15m upon promotion and they made a loss of £1m.

A third increase in revenue for us will be very welcome.

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35 minutes ago, Reesh said:

Apparently Rotherhams accounts were released recently and their income increased from 10m to 15m upon promotion and they made a loss of £1m.

A third increase in revenue for us will be very welcome.

That's a half increase, isn't it? 

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On 05/03/2024 at 21:49, Chelters said:

I’m still trying to get my head round criticising DC for not splashing the cash, complaining that we are making a loss, saying ticket prices are too high, and moaning about being ‘in debt’.

Please make it make sense.

As a fairly recent graduate from squark (I was 5 archers) this is quite easy to explain.

the reason we are making a loss is because DC didn’t splash the cash causing us to hike ticket prices to cover the debt, therefore preventing loyal supporters (who haven’t been to a game since Wembley) from buying tickets to prevent us making a loss. Proving once and for all that it’s all Chansiri’s fault innit fam…or summat 

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