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Ihiekwe working hard ....

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3 minutes ago, HoylandOwl said:

It seems like Michael Ihiekwe is certainly doing his bit to get back from injury..

What do you think to him? Personally, I think he's a good defender, not the most cultured with the ball but certainly will chuck himself in where it hurts. I've spoken to a few other Owls though who don't think he's very good at all....

Not a bad player for this level but will get found out in the Championship massively.

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On 18/01/2023 at 09:47, HoylandOwl said:

It seems like Michael Ihiekwe is certainly doing his bit to get back from injury..

What do you think to him? Personally, I think he's a good defender, not the most cultured with the ball but certainly will chuck himself in where it hurts. I've spoken to a few other Owls though who don't think he's very good at all....

Good signing. Steady Eddie normally. 

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I always said that he’s got at least one mistake a game in him. Fortunately we got away with them mind you we used to say the same about stockdale.

Rotherham fans loved him but said he struggled without Wood next to him.

I like him and think that he was really growing into the defence before his injury.

Hope he’s back soon options is what we need at the minute very worried when Palmer went down yesterday 

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19 minutes ago, holmesfield_owl said:

Seemed churpy enough in the interview afterwards

Yep thank fook was happy when he got up and carried on just worried at the time also when Iorfa seemed to hurt his shoulder he’s had problems with it before. 
I just want to get out of this league badly I will be an emotional wreck for the rest of the season 👍👍

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I think he’s the kind of defender that will get you out of this league, as per mini pigs. Not sure he will be a first choice in the league above because I suspect (assuming we make it and DM stays) we will see more playing out from the back in the Championship. As DM said in his recent interview, Championship is more like the PL footballing wise whereas L1 is a bit of footballing and a bit of percentage game.

Icky seems like a 100%er though, ie can’t fault his effort, blocks everything like his life depends on it.

Edited by Tank_Owl2,0
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For me the Ihiekwe signing has been the reverse of the Henegan signing.

Henegan: thought he would be a modern Guy Branston, but turned out more Rob Jones. 
Ihiekwe: I had high hopes but he’s been a bit of a let down. As @HappyOwl said in relation to Richard Wood, he doesn’t seem confident as the main man. More Lees than Loovens. And he’s no better than Iorfa with the ball at his feet. If he’s receiving the ball, it’s to be hoped there’s no opposition within 20 yards of him. But he has shown commitment in the tackle and block and won his fair share of headers. “Solid” is the term I’d use to describe him.
However, I’m not convinced that we are desperate for him in the starting 11 (definitely needed as cover on the bench though) against most L1 sides that present limited attacking threat. Playing Ihiekwe will add little to the defence but will take away Palmer’s attacking threat. But we probably will need Ihiekwe’s greater defending when up against the better sides: unfortunately he won’t be back in time for Plymouth / Ipswich.

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I think he’s one of those players who is a 7/10 most weeks and you need those as a bit of a spine for the rest of the team. He doesn’t do anything remarkable in that he’s not particularly quick and doesn’t ping passes around like Hector or Llera but he gets the basics right consistently (with the exception of those early games where the defence was all over the shop including Henegan and Iorfa). A bit of a L1 Tom Lees, just physical and good at getting a block in. 

For the sake of balance though it’s his lack of composure on the ball that puts a ceiling on him, that horror moment on sky vs Bristol Rovers sticks out. Nonetheless he’s had a few promotions and he will be a calm head in the run in youd hope 

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Potentially season over for Ihiekwe. I think it’s a blow because I think he’s a good defender. Good in the air, reads the game quite well. Aggressive and a talker. That’s definitely meaning we need a second center half in, in addition to Flint. And I think it means we need a right wing back in too as a necessity, Palmer is going to need to play center half.

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