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Next Season, 24/25.

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Rumour has it we'll be above united at the start of the season due to them starting on -2 points. Bragging rights for the close season.

Had a rummage through the bookies sites and surprised  to see they just don't fancy us at all with promoted teams being favoured. So be it, they obviously haven't taken into account how we finished this season just gone but even then the prices offered are pretty crap. Might have a dabble though.




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Can’t say I agree or understand how they are suggesting shorter odds on some of those clubs but I can’t say I give two decks what they think bc they often get it wrong even if the obvious shorter odd eg Burnley will probably be reasonable 

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Under estimating us again just like a lot of the opposing teams/ fans last yr. Just because we were at the bottom they took us for granted that we were shite. Quite a few podcasts/ tweets were " I can't believe we lost to bottom of league/ them"

A lot of that thought took the other teams by surprise as they already had us relegated. All we had to do was get out of bottom 3 and we weren't going to slip back into it again.

Happy to be under the radar. Good chance of playoffs I reckon and then anything can happen.

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