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Michael Vaughan steps down..


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Andrew Gale is refusing to engage with the ECB over the disciplinary hearing. Says he's not going to bother turning up or hire an expensive legal team to defend himself when the ECB have found him guilty already by calling the disciplinary hearing without even interviewing first. 

Called it a flawed hang wringing exercise that's only seeing one side of an unsubstantiated allegation and that he's going to save his money for if he needs to go to court if the ECB bans him. He's already successfully done Yorkshire for wrongful dismissal. 

Although he's been interviewed indirectly, answering questions about his time at Yorkshire in general, Michael Vaughan is also yet to be directly interviewed by the ECB over the allegations levelled against him.

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  • 8 months later...

I said it on a different thread when the independent report was made public.  Rafiq made 43 allegations, of which 7 were upheld.  Yes he experienced racism, and his complaints were handled extremely badly, for a long time.  Moxon and Gale deserve absolutely no sympathy from anyone.  But the sheer number of Rafiq’s unsubstantiated complaints suggests that he’s tried to link this to everything that went wrong in his mediocre, forgettable career.  

Btw still not one former teammate from the 14 or 15 professional cricket teams that Alex Hales has played for (including this season’s Pakistan Super League) has confirmed Rafiq’s accusation that he uses “Kevin” as a racial slur.  That just sounds like a pissed wind up that ended up being repeated in front of a parliamentary committee.

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10 minutes ago, Dronowl66 said:

As boring as your mate ! however for what its worth knowing that particular situation with a degree of intimacy  aint no one anywhere near Yorkshire listening to one thing Rafiq said , its a total and utter load of testicles from start to finish , Rafiq was always and still is the problem , whilst they have won there unfair dismissal claims I can categorically assure you that club have not heard the last of this and it wont be the last time the coaching staff get a pay out and rightly so 

At least he has a mate. You're about as popular as a fart in a lift on here.

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3 hours ago, Dronowl66 said:

Unlike your very god self I don't come on here to pretend anyone's my mate nor do I think is my post popular , each to there own though you knock yourself out . Not sure there's an ignore function on here but I would urge you to use it If your so offended , smile sweet cheeks the worlds a better place 

Or I could just ban your shit account you boring Derbyshire ****.

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3 hours ago, Dronowl66 said:

Bitch please lol look at you getting all Kim Jong un ... you've been looking for an excuse since I joined do what u want ..... no wonder there's no sodding posters it's all about you ...laughable and frankly very sad 

Bitch? Ha very good.

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  • 1 year later...

Rank hypocrisy at the BBC as they y allow Qasim Sheikh to continue commentating despite him being found to have shared anti-semetic posts on Social Media, yes they banned Vaughan on just an allegation of a single comment 15 years ago.

Jews don't count tho eh.

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3 hours ago, Andyben said:

Rank hypocrisy at the BBC as they y allow Qasim Sheikh to continue commentating despite him being found to have shared anti-semetic posts on Social Media, yes they banned Vaughan on just an allegation of a single comment 15 years ago.

Jews don't count tho eh.

Nope, I'm not biting, I'm not doing it!

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Posted (edited)

Did I see Rafiq on Peston last night?

Being fawned over by that fat labour lass whilst he was compelled to apologise for his own discriminatory behaviour.

Still, as @Andyben says, Jews don't count.

Edited by Skamp
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