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I kissed a girl ...


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His mother has locked herself in a church in Motril and gone on hunger strike as a protest against his “inhumane hounding”.  🤣

Obviously when straight team mates score goals Hermoso always celebrates with respectful handshakes. 🙄

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I've managed to miss / ignore all coverage of the so called incident (and, indeed, the Women's World Cup itself).

However, yesterday, I decided to watch a video on YouTube. I presume the footage was accurate and not in any way doctored.

Anyway, the bloke planted a smacker on the lassie's lips. Her instant reaction upon 'release' was a hug grin on her face.

Now, surely that's not the reaction of someone who then goes on to claim it was non consensual?

I guarantee, if I kissed a lassie in my office like that, if she didn't want it to happen, she would either slap me across the face or chuck me out the window!

Therefore, presuming the video footage was accurate, I can't see how a sexual assault charge could stick?

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1 hour ago, EastCraigsOwl said:

I've managed to miss / ignore all coverage of the so called incident (and, indeed, the Women's World Cup itself).

However, yesterday, I decided to watch a video on YouTube. I presume the footage was accurate and not in any way doctored.

Anyway, the bloke planted a smacker on the lassie's lips. Her instant reaction upon 'release' was a hug grin on her face.

Now, surely that's not the reaction of someone who then goes on to claim it was non consensual?

I guarantee, if I kissed a lassie in my office like that, if she didn't want it to happen, she would either slap me across the face or chuck me out the window!

Therefore, presuming the video footage was accurate, I can't see how a sexual assault charge could stick?


Taking your office analogy I doubt the 'lassie' would slap you back but rather wonder what the fuck had just happened and then contact HR and the union which is exactly what happened in this instance. 

Rubiales hugs every player as they go past him and there are some air kisses to some and kisses on the cheeks to others. He lifts a couple of them up by the waist. When it's Hermoso's turn it starts off exactly the same. They both go in for a hug. He then grabs her head, on both sides, and kisses her full on the mouth. Look at her lips and she is definitely not reciprocating. She's trying to close her mouth. She is the only player he does this to. Later he comes into the dressing room and tells the squad they're all invited to Ibiza for his and Hermoso's wedding as he puts his arms around her again. That part wasn't filmed but he's not denying it and every player and coaching staff member, apart from the manager, has included it in their statements. 

As for her reaction. How the fuck do you think it would have played out in the Spanish press if she'd smacked him? Lesbian footballer punches FA Chief is probably how it would have played out and she probably would never have played again. 

And no one in Spain is even talking about the way he celebrated by grabbing his crotch whilst standing close to the Queen and her 16 year old daughter. 

Watch this and see if your view changes. Ignore the body language expert gubbins but watch how he interacts with every other player and how he changes when he gets to Hermoso. 


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On Sunday night the Spanish FA exec committee inform UEFA that as FIFA has suspended their president they would like UEFA to suspend all Spanish clubs and national teams from participation in UEFA competitions. But they don't tell the clubs and they don't tell the regional FA administrators. 

On Monday UEFA go public with their answer of fuck off, not happening, you're only threatening this to make us apply pressure on FIFA to withdraw Rubiales suspension. 

Today the regional FA's have agreed to back a motion to remove Rubiales from his position and 'ask' the exec committee to stand down. They've called for the interim head to initiate a root and branch clear out and restructure of the whole FA. Its the first time in 17 years the regions have unanimously agreed on something. 

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6 hours ago, Bellsview said:

I’m not condoning his actions, but I’d like to know what the fuck it’s got to do with this country, and why it’s dominating our news stories?

Dozens of Ukrainians are being killed day in, day out, yet this is a more newsworthy story than that?

I notice that woman who planted a smacker on that horse jockey over the weekend, something which happened in this country, isn’t being hauled over the coals and dominating the news for what she did.


You can always argue that any day

Why isn't the level of violence at the Notting Hill carnival getting more coverage 

Why did rich people dying on a leisure trip get 20x the column inches than a refugee boat capsizing.


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On 29/08/2023 at 18:54, Tylluan said:


Taking your office analogy I doubt the 'lassie' would slap you back but rather wonder what the fuck had just happened and then contact HR and the union which is exactly what happened in this instance. 

Rubiales hugs every player as they go past him and there are some air kisses to some and kisses on the cheeks to others. He lifts a couple of them up by the waist. When it's Hermoso's turn it starts off exactly the same. They both go in for a hug. He then grabs her head, on both sides, and kisses her full on the mouth. Look at her lips and she is definitely not reciprocating. She's trying to close her mouth. She is the only player he does this to. Later he comes into the dressing room and tells the squad they're all invited to Ibiza for his and Hermoso's wedding as he puts his arms around her again. That part wasn't filmed but he's not denying it and every player and coaching staff member, apart from the manager, has included it in their statements. 

As for her reaction. How the fuck do you think it would have played out in the Spanish press if she'd smacked him? Lesbian footballer punches FA Chief is probably how it would have played out and she probably would never have played again. 

And no one in Spain is even talking about the way he celebrated by grabbing his crotch whilst standing close to the Queen and her 16 year old daughter. 

Watch this and see if your view changes. Ignore the body language expert gubbins but watch how he interacts with every other player and how he changes when he gets to Hermoso. 


Yes, seriously.

Taking your points in order:

You haven't met the lasses in my office! And thankfully there are no Unions anywhere near our establishment.

Not sure why he did things differently with her. Is she team captain? Does he fancy her? Neither 'reason' makes it ok, of course, but I'm just trying to work out where he was coming from. Of course she had her mouth closed. She was hardly going to tongue the bloke on World TV.

Had she slapped him, she most definitely would have played again. The politically correct world we live in would've seen to that. She would've been celebrated as the woman who stood up to the horrible bloke and deservedly humiliated him in public.

I haven't seen the 'crotch celebration'. Don't think I want to!

I watched the video you provided. The one I viewed previously was just her and him, nothing of the previous players. However, I stand by my point that she has a huge grin on her face immediately afterwards. That is not the reaction of someone who has been 'attacked' / 'violated' / whatever terminology people may wish to use. Has it not been mentioned in the Press? Or are they conveniently ignoring it?


On 29/08/2023 at 20:41, Neville Facking Bartos said:

Fucking hell, it’s the equivalent of a rapist saying it can’t be rape as the victim got wet 

It's nothing of the sort. Don't be silly.

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Ok for women owners to snog jockeys though.

The lass looked fairly happy and un-offended at the time. The Millie tant types would've gotten in her ear I suspect.


As a white straight man man does my privilege allow me to watch the womens football anyway as it appears my type is only used to funnel money in but not to have any opinion and be subjected to whatever way the "inclusive but not you" flag is flying



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The jockey probably thought nothing of it so he's not made anything official about it and I respect his decision even if in the context of unsolicited (and we don't know if it was or wasn't) sexual advancement it would be deemed incorrect. 

The footballer thought, some time after, that what had happened was wrong and made her feelings official to her union and FA. I respect her decision to take that time and come to a decision she's comfortable with. Otherwise are we discounting every person, male or female, who's taken time to process an event before expressing their dissatisfaction, concern, or alarm.

What I'm actually offended by is the viewpoint of those who are standing by the fact that she's smiling as she breaks away from him, so she must have enjoyed it at the time and she's been 'got at' by the woke brigade or she's being used as a pawn by those who've been wanting to get rid of Rubiales for the last 3 years. 

Now think about it again as if she was your own daughter. Would you be having the 'but you were smiling, are you sure you didn't enjoy it?' conversation as many are on social media around her allegation. 

Edited by Tylluan
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42 minutes ago, BraddersTim said:

Read Ty's post again, watch both clips again, think about the context of each again and if you still think like this after doing that, you'll still be wrong.

I'm a busy man I don't have time for all that

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26 minutes ago, Neville Facking Bartos said:

It’s not about us or anyone else though is it? It’s about how it made them feel and if you dismiss her feelings on the basis she was smiling then you’re a little bit fucked in the head. She’d just won the biggest honour within her game, had that happened in private and not on such a big stage I dare say her reaction would have been different 

When did I say owt about her smiling or dismissing her feelings?

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7 hours ago, Ozzie said:

Ok for women owners to snog jockeys though.

The lass looked fairly happy and un-offended at the time. The Millie tant types would've gotten in her ear I suspect.


As a white straight man man does my privilege allow me to watch the womens football anyway as it appears my type is only used to funnel money in but not to have any opinion and be subjected to whatever way the "inclusive but not you" flag is flying



No it's not, but seemingly it's also not okay for the male jockey to complain. Bit like when a teacher gets caught fucking a student, male teacher, female student - he's a pedophile, female teacher, male student - "wayhay what a lad" when in reality they're both abuse...

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The now departed Spain manager has been quite vocal on his dismissal today.

"In sporting terms, I am going to accept all the criticisms, but on a personal level, I think it has been unfair," Vilda said in an interview with Cadena SER.

"It has been a special year. Nothing has ever been said directly but indirectly things have been said that do not suit me. Things have been said that are not true."

“I will never applaud anything sexist,” he said. “I didn't know very well why I was going to that assembly. I thought there was going to be a resignation. 

“The president is valuing your work and announcing your renewal, I applauded that. 

“I also applaud Rubiales' management of the women's football, with a budget that has multiplied by four. When 150 people around you applaud it is very difficult to be the only one who doesn't.” 

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6 hours ago, HoylandOwl said:

When 150 people around you applaud it is very difficult to be the only one who doesn't.” 

Every single woman in that audience, around 30 of them, stayed in their seats with their arms folded. They then walked straight out after Rubiales had finished his little rant. 

Not as hard as Vilda thought it was, but then it's always best to applaud the dictator paying your wage. 

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2 hours ago, Owling_Wolf said:

Can't believe how long this shit is taking, or how it's in our major news items virtually every day. Gerron wi'it. Get rid of the tosser!   

The regional FAs all want him gone, trouble is some of them also want their top man to get his job once he's gone. So no-one is prepared to fully oust him yet due to the power vacuum it would leave and that might lead to the Govt stepping in and appointing someone nobody wants, like a woman. 

So there's a lot of closed doors horse trading going off so that one or two emerge that will have enough weight to carry the vote. The Catalans and Basques don't want anyone Madrid centric but don't fancy each others candidates either. So those 3 are trying to entice the likes of Balearic, Rioja and Cannary FAs. There are 19 regions. 

If Rubiales swallowed his pride and posturing he could really fuck the whole Spanish football system up by resigning before the you scratch my back deals have been done. 

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3 hours ago, Owling_Wolf said:

Can't believe how long this shit is taking, or how it's in our major news items virtually every day. Gerron wi'it. Get rid of the tosser!   

Give over.  They don’t have dinner till half ten at the earliest.  Night clubs don’t get going till about 2am.  They pass the ball about 58 times before having a shot.  Probably don’t have a phrase meaning “get on with it”.

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2 hours ago, Tylluan said:

The regional FAs all want him gone, trouble is some of them also want their top man to get his job once he's gone. So no-one is prepared to fully oust him yet due to the power vacuum it would leave and that might lead to the Govt stepping in and appointing someone nobody wants, like a woman. 

So there's a lot of closed doors horse trading going off so that one or two emerge that will have enough weight to carry the vote. The Catalans and Basques don't want anyone Madrid centric but don't fancy each others candidates either. So those 3 are trying to entice the likes of Balearic, Rioja and Cannary FAs. There are 19 regions. 

If Rubiales swallowed his pride and posturing he could really fuck the whole Spanish football system up by resigning before the you scratch my back deals have been done. 

My money's in on Rioja.   😋🍷

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6 minutes ago, Tylluan said:

Depends whether the ministry for sport let's the regional FAs fight it out or steps in and slots someone in on an 'interim' basis

Rafael del Amo, of Navarra region, and Jose Juan Arencibia, of Las Palmas region, are the government preferred options. The current interim, Pedro Rocha, is thought to be too close to Rubiales 

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Rubiales might be facing more than just this accusation. 

His uncle, the ex Spanish FA anti-corruption chief, has thrown him under the bus by accusing Rubiales of using FA money to fund his own version of Bunga Bunga parties with 8 or 10 girls. Uncle is also claiming he was asked by Rubiales to find a way to send FA money to his father on the quiet. 

Rubiales was also president when the talk of trying to move the Supercopa to Saudi was happening. There's recorded conversations between him and Gerard Pique about brokering a deal where Pique's company would benefit by 4m Euros a year and the FA would get 6m. 

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