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Jon Shaw

Jon Shaw (3/14)

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  1. So you have basically backed up what I said regarding Derby and Gregory.
  2. Won’t/can’t say who, but not someone at Wednesday.
  3. Derby offered full wages for Gregory. Then we wanted a loan fee or signing fee. Would have saved us approx 250K. We’re looking to do the same for Smith, 100% wages. Again, we wanted a substantial fee. Derby gave up as we are just terrible to negotiate with.
  4. I was talking about Fletcher who will have moved him down the order.
  5. 100% they want him, but as of last week, they didn’t think we would let him go as we are playing him, week later and things have changed with incoming players.
  6. They were offered Hunt, but they couldn’t match the wages and can’t spend anything on transfers or future bonuses or incentives.
  7. And that structure was apparently £4K max with most around the £2K mark.
  8. Mine should be 2-2 Hardie got 2 last night, don’t think I had any other scorers.
  9. 1-0 win Clarke-Harris of P’boro and Wednesday defence. Can’t see any other scorers of mine.
  10. Team updated Defence: SWFC 9.0 Smith: Cambridge 1.5 Hardie: Plymouth 2.0 Windass SWFC 2.25 Lane: Fleetwood 1.0 Clark-Harris: Peterborough 3.0 (In) Collins: Bristol Rovers 1.25 (In) OUT Vokes: Wycombe 2.25 Scully: Lincoln 1.75 (free transfer) - moved to Wigan TRANSFERS LEFT : Defence
  11. And why does this competition need to be a league, 3 pointless games instead of just one.
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