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John Harkes

John Harkes (6/14)

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  1. A perfectly reasonable method of planning and saving, no problem. But how he budgets or finances isn't the issue in question. That's more about the actual prices versus our competitors. In particular our later phase prices and those over the summer period. A comparison and breakdown versus our MD prices (which are awful in themselves) isn't for a me a fair or relevant comparison.
  2. Reasonable questions and MK in fairness I like that you are able to have a discussion and be a decent person, despite us clearly having different views. 1. It may sound like a lazy answer but it's not down to me to work that out. When the owner is coming and telling fans to ask other clubs how the manage it cheaper, that to me at least shows a level of incompetence and makes it impossible to have confidence that he's running the financial side of things efficiently. Many clubs at our level, would love the size of fan base that we have and the income that derives. I'll maintain that it shouldn't be down to the fans to pay excessive prices to plug the gap and the arguably failings off the pitch. Many of the areas where we've wasted money / not capitalised on income, have been discussed on here multiple times before, so no need for that detail again. 2. Costs savings point essentially links into point 1, which is really just managing your income and expenditure. Ultimately all clubs at this level have a shortfall plugged by the owner, well the majority at least. Couple of questions from me - 1. Do you think the season ticket prices over the summer are reasonable? Should we make more effort to attract new season ticket holders? 2. Should we be charged more than the majority of other fans at this level? 3. Do you think it would help if we were more productive and welcoming in the season ticket advertisements etc - an attempt to make the fans seem wanted and appreciated? If the Owner maybe said he appreciates that tickets are on the high side but gave some explanation as to why he feels that's necessary?
  3. I've mentioned no such thing. If I mixed you up with another poster again then I apologise. It can be hard to follow. What I will say is that there appears to be a clamour from the Stir and Staton to quite our highest possible prices at the most expensive time as indicative of how expensive Wednesday is, which is unfair. At time I agree with that - there is at times too much of a focus on the most expensive. In the grand scheme of things, I don't consider that to be the underlying problem mind. Do you agree that Ty's example of th costs to buy an ST in real.life is more than reasonable? Sorry not quite following the question
  4. There's an element of that type of thing too that comes across, as though if you don't plan and buy one in phase 1 that you're not really a proper fan, that you subsequently get what you deserve etc. I don't get that tbh. As a club and fan base surely we should be more welcoming to fellow fans and potential fans. People have changes in finances, in circumstances or simply decide at a later time that they quite fancy a season ticket. They should be made welcome, not criticised and ripped off by the club.
  5. It's not even the point anyway. I've said throughout that i'd have bought one over the summer if the pricing was reasonable. I won't lose sleep over it. There's plenty of people that can afford but choose not too simply because of the principle of it. I maintain that the phase 1 prices, are more reasonable (certainly not cheap compared to most other clubs) but more palatable. My main frustration, as previously mentioned is the later phasing prices, especially over the summer.
  6. It's not even the point anyway. I've said throughout that i'd have bought one over the summer if the pricing was reasonable. I won't lose sleep over it. There's plenty of people that can afford but choose not too simply because of the principle of it. I maintain that the phase 1 prices, are more reasonable (certainly not cheap compared to most other clubs) but more palatable. My main frustration, as previously mentioned is the later phasing prices, especially over the summer.
  7. It's not even the point anyway. I've said throughout that i'd have bought one over the summer if the pricing was reasonable. I won't lose sleep over it. There's plenty of people that can afford but choose not too simply because of the principle of it. I maintain that the phase 1 prices, are more reasonable (certainly not cheap compared to most other clubs) but more palatable. My main frustration, as previously mentioned is the later phasing prices, especially over the summer.
  8. The comparisons to other clubs? I'd looked at them before. But after your post, had a look again at the first one you mentioned (Bristol City), saw they are lower than us, as I thought and so thought what is the point in even responding again. Agree Middlesbrough prices are high this season; though recall the owner did take some feedback onboard and make some reductions to certain areas.
  9. My bad it was Tylluan, not yourself. When you replied to my response wrongly assumed it must have the same person originally.
  10. 2 totally different points. I clearly don't think everyone is a potential season ticket holder, which is the bollocks you were originally stating as a means to try and bash people with, even though you know it wasn't correct. Yes I think that we have the potential to sell out of season tickets. You don't. Both of those views are perfectly fine to have.
  11. the prices are absolutely a rip off, 100%
  12. Counter your position of the pie in the sky suggestion that our ticket prices are so high to avoid FFP restrictions? Have you got all the real life data and financial information to suggest that's the case? Do you have the information to show that we're maximising revenue and saving money elsewhere as we should be? Do you have real life data to show that at lower prices over the summer and / or reasonable MD prices, that we wouldn't sell more tickets? Plus the extra merchandise, retail etc. Do your seriously think the burden should be on the fan base to protect the club from FFP restrictions? Re my previous comments, I genuinely don't know how anyone can't agree with them.
  13. Absolute the crest of a wave. It's doesn't take much to get owls fans excited. There's some serious positivity levels this summer. Surely that's an indicator that there's the potential for new and returning season ticket holders. As has been previously said multiple times, I don't know why attendances from the 90s are being discussed. Football and attendances have totally changed now. Football has boomed hugely. Didn't we have 20k season ticket holders last season. An additional 6k doesn't sound too much of a reach to me. Just look at the increased attendances of other clubs in recent years. We absolutely have the potential. Re managers being backed; we'll have to agree to disagree. It's been in differing areas and degrees over time. All the other things I mentioned re the last 6 months still seem reasonable.
  14. Are you seriously trying to suggest that our ticket prices are so high to avoid FFP sanctions? Come one. Sorry but even if that was true, ripping off fans surely isn't the right way to go about that. It's up to the owner to manage income and expenses and budget accordingly. FFP is there for all clubs and not all clubs feel a need to rip fans off. Granted DC will always make up some of the shortfall, like the majority of the clubs do. If he isn't happy doing that he's free to sell up and move on, he's not forced too. Like i've said before; if we knew DC had his hands tied and was doing literally everything possible to improve revenue and save costs, then STs prices would be more acceptance. But historically we know that's not the case. He could even word the ticket release statements to indicate that, explain that he sympathises with fans, that's he's doing everything possible and wants everyone to be in it together etc etc. That would make it far more pallatable. Instead it's a like it or lump it approach and more evidence he couldn't give a toss about the average SWFC fan.
  15. You do realise it's fine to have a discussion and a difference of opinion, without being a total dick. You know full well what my point was. Why you feel a need to try and twist things and make out that people either are thinking or saying things that they're not, I really don't understand. Do I think that there's a decent pool of untapped potential season ticket holders out there under the right circumstances? Yes of course Do I believe that all people "are all potential season ticket holders if only they were priced low enough"? No of course I don't. Many fans have work / commitments / simply don't want to go to 23 games It's not difficult to follow. But you knew that anyway
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