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John Harkes

John Harkes (6/14)

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  1. That’s always going to be the nagging doubt.Not that long after WW2 and a Russian linesman,it will always look a bit dodgy to some.
  2. Very enjoyable.It always brings a tear to my eye.A combination of the occasion and memories of watching it with my dad.
  3. Just put the tv on and on channel 4 they are showing the 1966 W.C. final in full and in colour.First half over and apologies if posted elsewhere.
  4. BBC 4 on freeview channel 9.Dolly Parton is on now.If you like music take a look at sky arts on freeview channel 11.They put some great programmes on there sometimes.I don’t have a tv so I only watch it when I’m at the girlfriends.She lives next door to me though so I dispensed with most things which cost money and sponge off her.It gives me more cash for the important things in life.
  5. I’m not keen on it.Prefer to relive my youth watching top of the pops from 1977 on channel 9.I like women’s cricket though.
  6. BBC correspondent Dan Roan just mentioned ending 58 years of hurt if England win the European Championship.I’ve never agreed with this since it all began in 1996 with the lyrics in that song which stated 30 years of hurt.Seeing we won the 1966 World Cup and were still world champions until 1970,surely the hurt started when we lost the semi final to West Germany that year in Mexico. Does anyone agree or,judging by the blank looks I receive when I ask someone face to face,do you think I have a problem and should seek out a therapist.
  7. So I’m a selfish knob for pointing out how the economy works in a capitalist system.Where did I say I liked it.I may be a millionaire and love the system,I may be a socialist,anarchist,communist,you tell me,you seem to know. What’s your answer to it all?Perhaps we shouldn’t pay anything to watch a game until after the final whistle.Then we could contribute what we think it was worth.
  8. How much do you think the price of tickets should be?There will always be fans who can’t afford to pay,how does the club accommodate them?
  9. I sympathise but the price will always be too high for some people,it depends on individual circumstances. My biggest love is motorcycling and I am lucky to have five.One is a Harley Davidson and if i visit a dealership anywhere in the country I can purchase a T-shirt for around £40/50 and basically give them free advertising while I walk around.If I said they were exploiting my loyalty and asked for a discount they would think i was taking the piss.It’s called capitalism and everybody wants your money.They charge what they think people will pay.Why should someone subsidise someone else’s hobby,basically.I’m not saying it’s what I like,but that’s how it is.
  10. Looked a bit odd.Couldn’t understand what he was running towards,but i may have missed something.
  11. I can’t offer any argument against your assessment.It’s been said many times.
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