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Gamblor last won the day on June 21

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  1. I’m pleased that we didn’t cave in as if things go well there could be a Forestieri-like situation as soon as anyone from the league above takes an interest. The other possibility is that he knows that his body struggles to handle professional football and whilst his stock is high he has a chance to set himself up financially for life.
  2. Maybe it’s led by his decision to go elsewhere, but the more I think about it the larger the question mark around him is. He’s 24 and could theoretically double his career league starts next season. Quality player, but something isn’t right.
  3. If that happens, fucking hell. We have almost three weeks until the start of the season, have the club thought about the effect that’ll have on those “fans” who need something to moan about?
  4. It will be a crap prediction because it’ll be based on team performance over the past year. It can’t be based on players as many squads are far from being finalised and it’s difficult to predict how new players from different leagues will perform. More importantly though, this should not be called AI. It’ll be a regression model, which is a technique that has been used for decades. Regression is something very useful in making predictions, but requires a decent dataset and that doesn’t exist. Simply put - shit in, shit out, but they’ve slapped an AI label on it to give the impression something sophisticated is going on.
  5. It looks like there’s some relationship building going on, but I don’t doubt that the motivations for that could be any and all that you’ve suggested. I think it’s clear that unless we go up in the next couple of seasons and then get a takeover where there’s going to be a huge amount of investment within a season or two after that, Röhl is going to end up leaving. I don’t think that closer ties with Brighton is going to change that and the same goes for any of our players who might pique their interest - if they’re likely good enough for the PL then we’ll get an offer from someone. Therefore, I think the downsides for us are limited and getting one or two quality loans could make a real difference.
  6. Journalist contacts bookmaker, asks for price on Moore, places £20 bet then writes article.
  7. She always strikes me as very knowledgeable, but is cursed with the voice of a female Martin Keown so I find it hard to pay attention.
  8. Of course they should ask Pep, he’ll say no, but he might give some good advice to where we should be looking. I doubt he’s that money motivated, but a one year deal with a £100m bonus for winning the World Cup might get his attention at least.
  9. We attacked for 5 minutes then Southgate was desperately trying to get Gallagher and Trippier onto the pitch to make us more defensive.
  10. I saw that. The guy is a moron.
  11. Endrick signs for them next week too.
  12. I’d also be happy with Klopp (begrudgingly) and have seen others suggest Bielsa, there’s no way the FA would - but he’d be great.
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