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Tewksbury last won the day on May 14

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Ron Springett

Ron Springett (10/14)

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  1. Is it me or does the old leeds badge look like the redbull without the bulls? Get them used to that then add the bulls later or something along those lines.
  2. The issue with that is they have to show what they can do while playing alongside Bannan. For however long our midfield have been judged on how they compensate for Bannan rather than on their own merits and to a man it's taken 5-10 games to get used to playing with him, regardless of individual ability, hence falling back on Palmer and Vaulks last season and a lot of promising midfielders wrecked in L1, such as Adeniran and Wing, who somehow played fantastically in every game where Bannan didn't play but failed miserably alongside him.
  3. I admire your faith. Don't think he will be toward the end of the season, however, I think he'll start the season.
  4. Bannan in the 2 in 4231, Bannan anywhere in a 442, we ship goals. Bannan has to play in front of 1 with another proper midfielder or in front of 2, or we're getting overrun against any decent team, as we have for a long while. The problem is, the relationship between Bannan and Windass is the only reason to keep either.
  5. Can't help but think that it would be much better if the top leagues finished the window for incomings a week earlier than everyone else to counter the trickle down scramble on the last day. But then they'd have to give a toss about leagues outside the top 5, so it'll never happen.
  6. With the 2 in front, where do you put Windass, as you'll now be in a more 4141 formation and Windass isn't going to stay on the left? We'll see how it goes in the next couple of friendlies but from what I've seen, if the first half teams and setups from the friendlies so far is to be the majority of our starting 11, I can see a much slower start than some are expecting.
  7. Even if he can, which he can't for a 50 game season, we need another 3 who can do it too. Don't know enough about Ingelsson yet. Palmer isn't good enough, he can fill in or make the extra man if needed but can't hold the spot in his own right. Bannan doesn't have the discipline to stay away from the ball, there's no way we can play 4 at the back and a 2 man midfield with Bannan for 90 minutes without shipping a shedload of goals. With DR wanting rotation, plus a high workmate, we're going to need at least one starting quality, dedicated DM/CM type, not a defender who can play there, ora repurposed winger.
  8. Our midfield, or lack thereof, is again our weakest point. I think people underestimate how much heavy lifting Vaulks did and we still needed a back 3 so Palmer could step in to cover. If DR wants to play double 6s, what we have now won't cut it. Hoping that there will be at least one good starting midfielder still to come. If DR thinks he can keep Wilks fit, he'll be staying as per 90 stats wise he's very good in the end of game getting it up the pitch and relieving pressure role.
  9. The static midfield and dodgy wingbacks has been our biggest hurdle with playing from the back. The CBs are going to look jumpy when they have nobody to pass to in midfield or out wide and when they do it comes straight back with 2 players following it in at full pelt half the time. Look at the difference in what follows from when Valentin gets the ball from a CB to when Palmer/Johnson gets it.
  10. To be fair, there's plenty of tea in the cafe where they meet up.
  11. Are the first team back for the Ossett game tonight or is it an XI?
  12. You started it with your eloquent 'bollocks' argument. The fact is, you admittedly believe that there is the potential to sell out the allocation of season tickets if priced low enough, which is the point I was making. The wording was taken directly from the post I replied to originally. You think the potential is there, I don't. It's not difficult to follow. But you knew that anyway.
  13. It's half time now, so unless you're in Wetherspoons you should be able to make the trip to the toilet and back before anything happens.
  14. I said this on the other site when he had the forum. What would happen if he came out and said "I know you're struggling, so I've decided to reward our most loyal supporters, however I lose a million a year on earlybird tickets so I'm going to fleece the away fans and casuals to subsidise your tickets. You're welcome."
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